ALOFT: Animal Guide

To adopt an animal from the wilderness, you need to feed it. For example, sheep, alpacas, and goats eat Hay (3 Small Plants, 1 Rope), while birds eat Grain (can be made from seeds using a Millstone).

How to Find Animals

When you visit any island (physically standing on it), you can check which animals are living there. Holding the Field Guide in your hand, hold RMB to open it and press LMB to turn the page. On the 3rd page, you will see a list of all animals that live on the island. This works not only in the wilderness but also on your home island.

the Field Guide, animals

Here is the list of animals and where to find them (biomes):

  • Alpaca – Emerald Isles
  • Sheep – Emerald Isles, Fallen Heights
  • Pheasant – Fallen Heights
  • Goat – Red Cliffs

How to Adopt Animals


Approach an animal in the wilderness and give it food: Hay or Grain. After this, you can pick the animal up and send it home (meaning your island-ship). Pay attention: your home island must be close enough; otherwise, you will get an error.

Resource Production

Animals produce various useful resources, which are required for progress:

  • Sheep, Alpacas – Wool (use Shears), Manure
  • Goats – Milk (use Bucket; females only), Manure
  • Pheasants – Feathers, Eggs, Manure

To produce resources, animals must be fed. Also, if there are too many animals on one island, it becomes “overcrowded,” and they stop producing resources. For example, you won’t be able to shear sheep.

Auto-Feeding Animals


After you unlock the Trough, you can place it on your island and fill it with Hay, Grain, or water. Animals will eat suitable food automatically.

How to Cure Corrupted (Sick) Animals

Such animals can be found on corrupted islands in purple nodes. Sick animals cannot produce resources or be adopted by players. To cure them, use Mykter Fungicide, which can be found in various chests. The animal will immediately become healthy, and you will be able to interact with it.

What You Should Know

  • Every time you re-enter world, sheep’s and alpacas’ wool grow back. This trick will help you to farm Wool much faster – just leave the world and load it again.
  • You can’t breed animals in ALOFT (as of the last update of this guide).
  • You can’t kill an animal or throw it outside your ship, but you can move it to another island and leave it there.
  • Animal color does not affect the color of the wool it produces (always white).
  • You should have as many animals as possible and mark islands with animals using beacons. This will help you progress faster, because to restore the ecosystem of some key islands, you will need to bring 5-8 new animals, which is quite a lot.
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