Once Human: Electronics Grabber Guide – How to Get & Use

To craft an Electronics Grabber, you must have the “Electronics Grabber” Memetics Specialization. Specializations are random.

“Electronics Grabber” Memetics Specialization

How it works

When opening a storage crate while having an Electronics Grabber in your inventory, there is a 10-30% chance to find 1-3 additional electronic modules. These “electronic modules” are scrap that can be dismantled using a Disassembly Bench into materials. Since the modules are “electronic,” you will obtain Electronic Parts this way. Electronic Parts are necessary for crafting and building.

storage crate loot example

An Electronics Grabber exists for 14 days, after which it disappears. Also, it only exists within the current season and cannot be transported to the Spacetime Backpack. The tool can be sold to other players using a Vending Machine, though.

Electronic modules dismantling

The effect of the Electronics Grabber cannot stack, which means your chances of finding extra electronics will not increase if you have several copies of this tool in your inventory.

How to craft

If you are lucky enough to get the specialization, you can craft an Electronics Grabber using a Supplies Workbench. Pay attention: the effectiveness of the tool depends on the basic material you use for its crafting:

  • 10 Copper Ore Ingots – 10% chance to find extra electronics
  • 20 Silver Ore – 20% chance to find extra electronics
  • 50 Stardust Ore – 30% chance to find extra electronics

Electronics Grabber crafting

Additionally, the recipe for the tool requires 10 Adhesive and 5 Rubber. As for Stardust Ore, it looks like rainbow crystals and can be found in any contaminated (polluted) area.

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