ONCE HUMAN: Energy Links Farm (4 Best Ways)

Energy Links are one of the most important currencies needed for crafting and upgrading equipment, unlocking Memetics, buying things from merchants, and covering other in-game costs. There are several ways to quickly earn Energy Links in Once Human.

Completing Dungeons

When completing any dungeon (whether it’s a Securement Silo or a Monolith), you have two options: get full rewards by spending 1 Controller or get fewer rewards for free. The reward always includes Energy Links, and quite a lot of them.

To farm Energy Links as quickly as possible, you should complete specific Securement Silos: Theta for the classic map and Taurus for the “Way of Winter.” Their locations are marked on the map below, and you can watch my video guides for each of them via the links.

ONCE HUMAN, Securement Silo Theta on a map

ONCE HUMAN, Securement Silo Taurus on a map

The uniqueness of these Securement Silos lies in their simplicity. You don’t even have to kill any mobs on your way to the final boss. All you need to do is run forward until you reach the final location with the boss.

The bosses themselves are also very easy to kill. I recommend using a Canine Skull combat deviant. Once you approach the boss, release the deviant, and it will provoke surrounding mobs to attack it, giving you time to defeat the boss effortlessly.

Canine Skull

To kill bosses quickly, you can use the “R500 – Memento” pistol, which deals significant damage.

ONCE HUMAN, R500 – Memento

Note that in the Securement Silo Taurus (The Way of Winter), you can simply stay on the stairs and attack the boss from there. Mobs will not be able to reach you, though they will still try to shoot at you.

full rewards

Completing these Securement Silos takes 3 to 5 minutes. From the full reward, you will get about 10,000 Energy Links and about 200 Stardust Source (considering the Stardust Source for dismantling weapons, which is part of the reward). Stardust Ore is easy to sell to other players for 60–70 Energy Links per unit, so 200 Stardust Source will bring you another 12,000–14,000 Energy Links. In total, this means over 20,000 Energy Links in 3-5 minutes, and at the moment, this is the fastest way to farm them.

Selling Valuable Items to Merchants

Merchants stand in every settlement, and to one of them you can always sell resources for Energy Links. Such merchants have a weekly limit on Energy Links that you can earn by selling items. Usually, the limit equals 50,000 Energy Links a week for each merchant.

There are special items in Once Human, which exist mostly to be sold to merchants. An example is the “Croquette” dish (Memetics → Logistics → Taste of the Past III), which can be sold for 2,000 Energy Links.

ONCE HUMAN, Orange Pie to sell

On the classic map, however, you can earn over 2,000 Energy Links per minute by crafting and selling Orange Pie (500 Energy Links each). In my video, I explained how to do this.

YouTube video cover
Grapes, Banana, Apple - Easy ORANGE PIE | 2.5k Energy Links / min | ONCE HUMAN

You can quickly gather lots of Grapes and Apples next to a Teleportation Tower near the Rotten Saddle location. Bananas grow on special palms around another Teleportation Tower near the Sunbury location.

ONCE HUMAN, Combo Chipsets

If you were lucky enough to get the “Combo Chipsets” Memetics Specialization, you will be able to craft Combo Chipsets, which can be sold to merchants for 12,000 Energy Links each. Crafting requires electronics, though, so I would not recommend it as a primary source of income but rather as a way to profitably utilize excess resources.

Selling Gold and Silver Ingots

Gold and Silver Ore veins spawn in the wilderness randomly. Ores themselves cannot be sold to merchants, but if you have the rare Memetics Specialization “Precious Metal Refining,” you can smelt Gold (12,000 Energy Links) and Silver Ingots (6,000 Energy Links), which can be sold to merchants.

Using an Electric Drill with the “Treasure Hunter” perk and Canned Seafood in Oil, you can boost your ore yield significantly. For this reason, players who hunt Gold and Silver ores usually have more ingots than they can actually sell to merchants in one week.


Such players often put Gold and Silver ingots on sale cheaper using Vending Machines. You can find their stores at so-called “trading centers”: on the classic map, it’s Blackfell, and on the “Way of Winter” map, it’s Oblivion. The highest concentration of traders is usually in World #1. Remember, you can switch worlds using the Teleportation Tower in the settlement.

This way, you can easily earn a lot of Energy Links, literally doing nothing. All you need to do is buy Gold or Silver Ingots from players at a price lower than 12k and 6k respectively, and then simply sell them to merchants, using your weekly limits. The difference will be your Energy Links income.

Vending Machine

If you have the “Precious Metal Refining” specialization, you can use this scheme from the other side: look for Gold and Silver ores on your own, smelt ingots, and sell them to other players. You can find the best Gold and Silver ore spots using an interactive map via the link (use the search tool as shown in the screenshot).

ONCE HUMAN, interactive map

One of the best spots to farm precious ores on the classic map is around the Teleportation Tower south of the “73 Source Extraction Point” location in the “Red Sands” region. The uniqueness of this point lies in the large field of view you have there. Standing right next to the Teleportation Tower, you can see tens of ore veins around (use a sniper scope to identify Gold or Silver ore from a distance). All you need to do is check available worlds one by one.

Gold and Silver ores spot

In the “Way of Winter” scenario, a good spot for Gold and Silver ore farming is west of the “Obsidian Lighthouse” location. In this area, the density of ore veins is especially high, so your chances of finding precious ores are higher.

Gold and Silver ores spot

There is also a Teleportation Tower nearby, so you can check the worlds one by one on your bike. After this, you only need to smelt Gold or Silver Ingots and put them on sale using a car with a Vending Machine. A good price would be 6,000 for Gold and 3,000 for Silver.

Trading Using a Vending Machine

You can also use a Vending Machine to sell almost anything else. For example, you can sell Corn Ale or Canned Seafood in Oil if you produce them efficiently. You can also sell Stardust Source from instances, as mentioned earlier, or Acid, which is easy to produce in any contaminated area.

ONCE HUMAN, Vending Machine

To earn more Energy Links, strive to sell items that are hard for other players to obtain. For example, Electric Drills with the “Treasure Hunter” perk, which can only be crafted if you have the corresponding Memetics Specialization.

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