Once Human: Gene Guide – Nurture Coherence Injections

Nurture Coherence Injection is a consumable that provides temporary bonuses. Currently, Nurture Coherence Injections are only available in the Prismeverse’s Clash scenario. To craft them, you must first unlock them in the Memetics Specializations.

Gene Extractor

The specialization unlocks a Gene Extractor that you can craft at a Supplies Workbench (10 Copper Ore, 5 Stardust Source, 10 Acid). The item lasts for 14 days and cannot be transported to the Spacetime Backpack.

Gene Extractor

While the Gene Extractor is in your inventory, you can obtain various Gene Fragments by killing mobs, depending on their type. Below is the list of fragments and the best places to farm them:

  • Anima Fragment
    Obtainable by killing deviants fused with objects (e.g., Watcher or Agent). A good farming spot is around the Teleportation Tower of the Monolith of Greed.
    a spot
    This spot becomes available starting from Week 1. It’s efficient because you can switch worlds via the Teleportation Tower, killing mobs in each world, which significantly speeds up the process.
  • Deviant Fragment
    Dropped by regular deviants not fused with objects (e.g., Charred Maniac). These mobs are abundant around the Teleportation Tower of the Monolith of Greed, allowing for world-switching and efficient grinding.
  • Starlith
    Dropped by Elite Enemies (e.g., Rainfall Reaper or Glutton). There is a Glutton near the Teleportation Tower of the Monolith of Greed. This spot is ideal for simultaneously farming Anima Fragments, Deviant Fragments, and Starlith by switching worlds.
  • Matterlith
    Dropped exclusively by Morphic enemies (e.g., Morphic Crates). The best location for farming Matterlith will be added soon.

Nurture Coherence Injection

Nurture Coherence Injection crafting

The Nurture Coherence Injection consists of three components. The bonuses depend on the fragments or materials used. Below are the possible choices and their effects:

Component #1

  • Deviant Fragment (10): At 10 Coherence, Mining Savage Strike Rate +50% and Mining Last Hit Yield +100%.
  • Anima Fragment (10): At 10 Coherence, while holding a pickaxe or chainsaw, Movement Speed +15% and yield of Logs, Sulfur, Silver Ore, Gold Ore, and Stardust Ore +30%.

Component #2

  • Starlith (3): At 30 Coherence, consume all Coherence to increase final hit yield from logging and mining by 1,000% for 5 seconds.
  • Matterlith (3): At 30 Coherence, a small chance to trigger an Oil Gusher while mining in contest areas, granting 30 Barreled Crude Oil to all allied players within 5 meters.
  • Acid (3): No effect.

Component #3

  • Proliferation Gene (1): After using the injection, create a Proliferation Zone. Within this zone, the acquisition amount for Parts, Fabrics, Plastics, Metal Scraps, Rubber, Adhesives, Electronic Parts, Crystals, and Acid increases by 30%.
  • Extreme Gene (1): Changes Coherence status termination to total damage taken reaching 150% of Max HP. At HP below 50%, Max Load +50. At HP below 30%, Weapon DMG +15% and Tactical Item DMG +15%. At HP below 10%, triggers a healing effect (30-second cooldown).
  • Lightning Gene (1): In combat, every 10 seconds, a random enemy within 20 meters is struck by lightning after a 3-second delay, dealing damage equal to 4,000% Psi.
  • Bastille Gene (1): Enter Bastille status after standing still for 2 seconds. In Bastille status, DMG Reduction +10%, Weakspot DMG Reduction +20%, and hits from enemies mark them (10-second cooldown).
  • Stardust Source (15): No effect.

To craft a Nurture Coherence Injection, you will also need 5 Glass and 10 Detoxidents. Detoxidents can be found in medkits.


For example, visit the Monolith of Greed and Gaia Cliff Monolith. In the main hall of each, you’ll find two medkits: one as a red bag on a table and the other as a wall-mounted cabinet. These provide 12 Detoxidents in total.

How to Unlock Genes

To unlock Genes, you must first unlock the corresponding Memetics Specialization. Note that Memetics Specializations are random.

Genes in memetics specializations

You can increase your chances of obtaining the desired Memetics perk by resetting them using a Memetic Cleanser. One cleanser resets one specialization. Cleansers can be obtained by completing Season Goals.

How It Works

First, craft a Nurture Coherence Injection with the desired bonuses, then apply it to your character. To do this, select the Injection in your inventory and press “F” or assign it to a quick access panel and use the corresponding key.

the effect of the Nurture Coherence Injection

Your character will glow blue, indicating the Injection is active. If you take damage equal to 70% of your Max HP, the Injection stops working and must be reapplied.

Coherence status

While active, the Injection grants 1 Coherence status per gathering action, stacking up to 30.

  • At 10 Coherence: The first effect activates.
  • At 30 Coherence: The second effect activates.
  • The third effect activates as specified in the gene’s description.

Each effect works independently, meaning the second effect activates at 30 Coherence even if the first effect disappears due to consumed stacks.

Additionally, all gathering bonuses from a Nurture Coherence Injection are summed rather than multiplied. For example, a 1,000% Injection bonus combined with a 6,666% bonus from Canned Seafood in Oil results in a total bonus of 7,666%.

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