Once Human Temperature Guide

Temperature in Once Human was added with the “The Way of Winter” scenario. Player must maintain normal body temperature, otherwise they will receive negative effects and die, if the temperature becomes critically high or critically low.

How Temperature Works

There are 2 temperatures in Once Human: environmental temperature and body temperature. Environmental temperature is displayed under mini map, as well as in the inventory (hotkey “I”).

Once Human environmental temperature

An indicator of body temperature only appears as a warning, when it goes down or rises up. You can see it next to major indicators of your character (Stamina, Sanity, Hydration, Energy) in the main interface and in the inventory.

Once Human, body temperature

Environmental temperature affects character’s body temperature, reduces or rises it and applying various effects. There are 5 levels of environmental temperature:

  • Frost (-30° C or lower). The character quickly loses Energy, and their body temperature drops sharply. Gets inflicted with a stack of Frozen every 3 seconds (losing 5% HP per second; slowed). At 4 stacks of Frozen, instantly dies.
  • Cold (from -30° C to 0° C). The character quickly loses Energy, and their body temperature drops slowly.
  • Cozy (from 0° C to 50° C). The character’s body temperature slowly recovers to normal.
  • Heat (from 50° C to 80° C). The character quickly loses Hydration, and their body temperature rises slowly.
  • Burn (80° C or higher). The character quickly loses Hydration, and their body temperature rises sharply. Gets inflicted with a stack of Combustion every 3 seconds (losing 5% HP per second; Gear Durability reduced by 1%). At 4 stacks of Combustion, instantly dies.

Perfect body temperature in Once Human is 36.6° C, and “normal” body temperature is between 35.1° C and 37.9° C. Environmental temperature rises or reduces body temperature gradually, depending on how much Cold Resist, Frost Resist, Heat Resist and Burn Resist the character has. These parameters are indicated in the Gear (K) → Details (C) → Basic Stats.

Once Human, temperature resists

When body temperature is too low or too high, the character gets negative effects.


Once Human, Hypothermia

Applies to the character after 30 seconds since their body temperature drops to 35° C or lower, and getting worse overtime. A notification about this appears on the screen. There are 3 levels of Hypothermia:

  • Mild. Healing effects reduced by 50%.
  • Medium. Keeps shivering. Healing effects reduced by 50%. Movement speed reduced by 5%, and rolling speed reduced to 10%.
  • Severe. Keeps shivering. Healing effects reduced by 50%. Loses 5% of HP per second and dies when it reaches 0. Movement speed reduced by 5%, and rolling speed reduced to 10%.

The character gets healed from Hypothermia, when their body temperature returns to normal. Healing goes gradually: first the Hypothermia’s level reduces, then after it reaches the “Mild” one, the disease disappears.


Once Human, Heatstroke

Applies to the character after 30 seconds since their body temperature rises to 38° C or higher, and getting worse overtime. A notification about this appears on the screen. There are 3 levels of Heatstroke:

  • Mild. Intermittent headache. Loses 100 Sanity when triggered.
  • Medium. Intermittent headache. Loses 100 Sanity when triggered. Shooting stability reduced by 20% and Melee DMG reduced by 20%.
  • Severe. Intermittent headache. Loses 50 Sanity when triggered. When Sanity reaches 0, the character dies. Sprint Speed reduced by 10%, shooting stability reduced by 30% and Melee DMG reduced by 30%.

The character gets healed from Heatstroke, when their body temperature returns to normal. Healing goes gradually: first the Heatstroke’s level reduces, then after it reaches the “Mild” one, the disease disappears.

How to Keep Body Temperature Normal

There are many ways to maintain normal body temperature. Since it directly depends on the environmental temperature, the easiest way is to stay in a region with a “Cozy” climate (from 0° C to 50° C). How environmental temperature affects body temperature depends on Cold Resist, Frost Resist, Heat Resist, and Burn Resist of the character. Let’s take a look at all known factors that affect body temperature.


Once Human, Weight

Characters in Once Human have weight and receive corresponding static bonuses. Weight can be changed in the character customization interface (place a Floor Mirror on your territory to access it).

  • Lower than 65 kg: Heat Resist +5.
  • 65–85 kg: Body Temperature recovery speed +30%.
  • Higher than 85 kg: Cold Resist +5.


Once Human, Camp

You can place a Camp (hold Tab → Camp) almost anywhere outside your territory. It protects you from the cold. While you’re within the Camp’s area, Heatstroke and Hypothermia cannot reach the “Severe” level. While standing next to a burning barrel, the Environmental Temperature increases by 10° C.


While holding a Torch in hand, the Environmental Temperature increases by 5° C. A Torch is effective in the early game but ineffective for long expeditions to cold regions.

Heatium and Coldium

Once Human, Heatium crafting

To craft Heatium and Coldium, unlock the “Polar Expedition I” node in Memetics → Infrastructure. They can be crafted using a Supplies Workbench.

  • Heatium: Exists for 60 minutes after being crafted, after which it turns into Thermoium. While in the inventory, it increases Cold Resist and Frost Resist by 10 units. The effect cannot stack.
  • Coldium: Exists for 60 minutes after being crafted, after which it turns into Thermoium. While in the inventory, it increases Heat Resist and Burn Resist by 10 units. The effect cannot stack.

Crafting requires Hot Rock Ore and Cold Crystal Ore, respectively. To mine Hot Rock Ore, first throw a Frost Grenade at its deposit. To mine Cold Crystal Ore, throw a Molotov Cocktail at its deposit. Otherwise, both ores will explode if you try to mine them directly.

Equipment Bonuses

The 2-piece effect of the “Rustic” set increases Cold Resist by 5 units directly, but it’s only suitable for the early game.

Once Human

When crafting Jackets (top) and Pants (bottom), you can add resists to them by using certain hides. Here is a list of them and their effects:

  • Wool: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10, Dampened Duration +100%.
  • Deer Hide: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +5.
  • Highland Deer Hide: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10, Sprint Speed +5%.
  • Forest Deer Hide: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +5; when noticed by an enemy, Sprint Speed -10%.
  • Tundra Deer Hide: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +15.
  • Grassland Wolf Skin: Heat Resist and Burn Resist +10, Max Stamina +15.
  • Jungle Wolf Skin: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10, Max Stamina +15.
  • Rabbit Fur: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +5.
  • Dreamy Rabbit Fur: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10, Heat Resist and Burn Resist +5.
  • Lucky Rabbit Fur: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10; DMG Reduction +5% when not in combat.
  • Rock Wall Wool: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10, plus an additional +3 per teammate.
  • Mountain Wool: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +15, Dampened Duration +100%.
  • Golden Wool: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +20, Heat Resist and Burn Resist -5.
  • Rawhide: Heat Resist and Burn Resist +5.
  • Bear Skin: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10; recover 3% HP upon defeating an enemy at 10° C or below.
  • Floating Ice Bear Skin: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +15; recover 5% HP upon defeating an enemy at 10° C or below.
  • Snowfield Bear Skin: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +15, Roll Speed +10% at 10° C or below.
  • Cave Bear Skin: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10; Energy depletion rate -25% when in Cold status.
  • Crocodile Hide: Heat Resist and Burn Resist +10, Dampened Duration +50%.
  • Beach Crocodile Hide: Heat Resist and Burn Resist +15, Dampened Duration +50%; DMG Reduction +5% while Dampened.
  • Coastal Bay Crocodile Hide: Heat Resist and Burn Resist +15, Status DMG Reduction +5%.
  • Hide: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +5.
  • Velvet: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +15, Dampened Duration +150%.
  • Sealskin: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +10, plus an additional +5 while Dampened.
  • Reindeer Hide: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +5, Max Load +10.
  • Mountain Cowhide: Cold Resist and Frost Resist +15, Max Load +20.
  • Valley Cowhide: Heat Resist and Burn Resist +10, plus an additional +5 while Dampened; Max Load +20.

Pay attention to the fact that the same animal drops various types of hides. For example, by killing any deer, you can obtain random deer hides, including Highland Deer Hide, Forest Deer Hide, or Tundra Deer Hide.

Food Bonuses

Some foods temporarily increase the Resists of a character. The simplest such food includes:

  • Salty Roasted Spikemato – Cold Resist +10 for 30 minutes.
  • Icemelon – Heat Resist +10 for 30 minutes.

Once Human

Advanced foods for increasing Resists include the following dishes:

  • Spicy Sizzling Meat – Removes Hypothermia, Cold Resist +10 for 60 minutes.
  • Spicy Grilled Fish – Removes Hypothermia, Cold Resist +10 for 60 minutes.
  • Minty Meat Salad – Removes Heatstroke, Heat Resist +10 for 60 minutes.
  • Minty Tartare – Removes Heatstroke, Heat Resist +10 for 60 minutes.
  • Fiery Meat Skewer – Removes Hypothermia, Cold Resist +20 for 60 minutes, Sprint Speed +10% in cold environments.
  • Iced Mint Tea – Removes Heatstroke, Heat Resist +20 for 60 minutes, Sprint Speed +10% in hot environments.
  • Chilled Icemelon Soup – Removes Heatstroke, Heat Resist +20, and Pollution Resist +20% for 60 minutes.
  • Spicy Roasted Meat – Removes Hypothermia, Cold Resist +20, and Pollution Resist +20% for 60 minutes.
  • All-Weather Stew – Removes Hypothermia and Heatstroke, Heat and Cold Resist +30, Max Stamina +30%. Lasts 60 minutes.

All these dishes can be unlocked in Memetics in the “Logistics” tab.

Ice Crystal and Fire Crystal

Once Human

To unlock the ability to craft Ice and Fire Crystals, you must have a rare Memetics specialization called “Molecular Structure Research.” Once unlocked, you can craft crystals using a Supplies Workbench:

  • Ice Crystal (requires 20 Cold Crystal Ore) – Cold Resist +10 for 10 minutes.
  • Fire Crystal (requires 20 Hot Rock Ore) – Heat Resist +10 for 10 minutes.


Once Human

There are 4 facilities in Once Human that can maintain a normal environmental temperature. All of them are available in Memetics in the “Temperature Control I–III” nodes of the “Building” tab:

  • Campfire – Increases temperature in a small radius, requires wood, fuel, charcoal, or Wild Buffalo Organic Fertilizer.
  • Furnace – Can increase or decrease temperature in a medium radius, depending on the fuel. Use Cold Crystal Ore to decrease temperature, or wood, charcoal, Hot Rock Ore, or Wild Buffalo Organic Fertilizer to increase temperature.
  • Cooler – An electric device that decreases temperature in a large radius to the level specified in its settings.
  • Heater – An electric device that increases temperature in a large radius to the level specified in its settings.

Chaosium Lantern

When playing the “Way of Winter” scenario, you should craft a Chaosium Lantern as soon as possible. To do this, first unlock the “Polar Expedition II” node in the “Infrastructure” tab of Memetics.

The Chaosium Lantern consumes Chaosium, which can be obtained by killing mobs (humans) or crafted from Hot Rock Ore and Acid.

  • When the environmental temperature is below 10°C, the Chaosium Lantern increases it by 15°C (e.g., from -10°C to +5°C).
  • When the environmental temperature is above 30°C, the Chaosium Lantern decreases it by 15°C (e.g., from 40°C to 25°C).

Once Human

To make the Chaosium Lantern work, you must place it on a quick panel and enable it using the corresponding key (e.g., “8” in this case). Additionally, you must have Chaosium in your inventory, as the lantern consumes 1 unit of it per minute.

Thermal Tower

You can change the climate of a region by building and developing a Thermal Tower. This outdoor facility can only be built outside your territory. Note that you cannot build a Thermal Tower too close to another one. Sometimes, it’s better to help someone else develop an existing Thermal Tower by donating resources.

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