SUPERVIVE: How To Play Ranked & How Ranks Work

Every game mode of the new Supervive MOBA has a ranked analogue. To play ranked mode, you need to turn it on under the “Find Match” button, as shown in the picture.


At the moment, you can play in ranked mode:

  • Duos (battle royal against teams of 2),
  • Squads (battle royal against teams of 4).

You can see your current rank in the lobby. By pressing on it, you can check the history and statistics of your games.


How the ranked system works

If you press the “Ranked” button itself, you can see a tooltip about how the ranked system works. There are 7 leagues in Supervive: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster. The top 100 Grandmasters become Legends.


Each league is divided into divisions, for example, from Silver IV to Silver I. With every 100 ranked points (RP), you move up a division. Your RP is not capped until you reach the Grandmaster league.

There are 4 factors that affect your RP gain after a match.



Every time you start a ranked match, you pay some RP:

  • Bronze – 10 RP
  • Silver – 20 RP
  • Gold – 25 RP
  • Platinum – 25 RP
  • Diamond – 30 RP
  • Master+ – 35 RP



The higher the place you take in a match, the more RP you gain. Places lower than 8 will not bring you any RP:

  • 1st place = 40 RP
  • 2nd place = 30 RP
  • 3rd place = 25 RP
  • 4th place = 20 RP
  • 5th place = 15 RP
  • 6th place = 5 RP
  • 7th place = 5 RP
  • 8th place = 5 RP
  • 9th place = 0 RP
  • 10th place = 0 RP

Team Kills


When your team reaches a certain number of kills collectively, you gain extra RP rewards:

  • 3 kills in total = 10 RP
  • 5 kills in total = 15 RP
  • 10 kills in total = 25 RP
  • 15 kills in total = 35 RP
  • 20 kills in total = 40 RP



You can get extra RP in the following cases:

  • You perform above expectations according to your skill, for example, if you kill players with a higher rank.
  • Your skill is higher than your rank.

Although the developers gave no clues on how these bonuses are calculated, you can still see them at the end of the match.

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