SUPERVIVE: 7 Best Powers

There are 58 Powers in SUPERVIVE, and some of them are completely useless. However, some can significantly increase your chances of victory and help you rank up. My practical experience in this game shows that the best Powers are mostly passive.

Tree Costume


Tree Costume is one of the most useful active powers in the game. After activation, it turns you into a tree, which is perfect camouflage. While in tree form, you can even move slowly. With this power, you can set ambushes to catch enemies or simply survive as long as possible, especially if your team becomes weaker.



As long as you or any of your teammates have this passive power equipped, enemy Oracles will not detect you on the map. This gives you a significant advantage and reduces your team’s chances of being hunted.

Scuba Gear


Scuba Gear passively provides a huge advantage while you are in water. When out of combat, your character becomes invisible. Moreover, you will always move at full speed in water, allowing you to easily reach your opponents or escape from them.

Regenerative Armor


If you don’t take damage for the last 4 seconds, your armor will regenerate at a rate of 0.6% per second. While this is quite slow, it can really save your game in the later stages.

Stealth Cloak


When you activate Stealth Cloak, you become stealthed (invisible to enemies). This power can only be activated out of combat and consumes 30 Mana per second, which is quite a lot. You can manually deactivate the power at any time, or it will deactivate on its own once you run out of mana.

Tree Prison


Once every 45 seconds, you can place a circle of trees on the ground, which will remain for 25 seconds and pull players toward its center. This power is very useful because it allows you to separate enemy teams by isolating certain players or prevent opponents from escaping by trapping them in the circle with you.

Guardian Angel


Touching an ally’s wisp will apply a 60% revive speed bonus to them. The bonus will remain even if you move away, and someone else tries to revive the ally. If an enemy touches the ally’s wisp, the effect will disappear. This power is especially important for support champions, as it significantly reduces the time required to revive your teammate.

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