SUPERVIVE Ghost Guide: Build, Abilities, Tips

At the moment of publishing this guide, Ghost is objectively the weakest hunter in SUPERVIVE. According to the open data from supervive.io, he has the lowest win rate in BR Squad (13.42%), one of the lowest pick rates in both BR Squad (3.21%) and BR Duos (3.7%), and one of the lowest ratios of kills to deaths (1.44–2.42).

statistics from supervive.io

The reason why this champion is so weak is his crucial dependence on the “Spike Grenade” skill, without successfully landing which he’s not able to deal any significant damage to enemies. Once this skill is wasted, Ghost becomes practically defenseless. Because of the high fire rate, he has probably the highest time-to-kill in the game, and therefore easily loses to any normal damage dealer in face-to-face confrontations.

If your goal is to rank up in SUPERVIVE, I highly don’t recommend using Ghost. But if you like this hunter, this guide will help you show better performance in matches.

Ghost Abilities (Important)

Ghost has 4 active and 1 passive abilities. Without understanding the key mechanics of using these skills, you won’t be able to show good results in PVP.

MK7 Glyph Rifle (LMB, simple attack)


Ability Description: Hold to fire a 30-round magazine. Deals 31 (+9% Ability Power) damage. This damage decays over your first 10 rounds to 50% for the remaining 20 rounds in the magazine. If a target is Dazed by Spike Grenade (RMB), they take 16 (+17% Ability Power) bonus damage.

Pay attention: Ghost’s simple attack has quite low dependence on Ability Power and basically deals very low damage. Despite the high fire rate, time-to-kill of Ghost is very high. This means that almost any other damage dealer with high single-hit damage will easily beat him in close combat.

Spike Grenade (RMB)


Ability Description: Throw a sticky grenade that explodes after a short delay, dealing 60 (+35% Ability Power) damage. Stuck enemies are Dazed for 1.2 sec. When Spike Grenade sticks to terrain, it explodes in a cone, knocking back enemies and Dazing them for 2 sec. Enemies launched into terrain are Stunned. Blasting an enemy from the wall reduces Spike Grenade’s cooldown by 40%.

Cooldown: 9 sec
Level II: -2 sec cooldown
Level III: Cooldown reset on knock

Pay attention: Ghost is very dependent on successfully landing Spike Grenade. It is especially important for damage builds because as long as this skill is on cooldown, the hunter is very vulnerable in close combat and isn’t able to deal good damage with his simple attacks (LMB).

Combat Slide (SHIFT)


Ability Description: PRESS to combat slide forward. HOLD to slide further. If used on the ground and released early, cooldown is reduced. Knock resets the cooldown of the ability. The cooldown cannot be reduced more than to 3.5 sec.

Cooldown: 11 sec
Level II: -3 sec cooldown
Level III: Assists also reset cooldown

Pay attention: NEVER use this skill for offense, because once you have it on cooldown, your Ghost becomes an easy target for almost any champion in SUPERVIVE. Keep Combat Slide to escape pursuit.

Arcane Railgun (Q)


Ability Description: Charge for 0.8 sec, then fire a beam that deals 118 (+63% Ability Power) damage. Hitting an enemy hunter with the beam reduces the cooldown by 30%. Dazed targets take 20% extra damage. The beam pierces through most terrain and objects.

Cooldown: 15 sec
Level II: +40% Damage, -3 sec Cooldown
Level III: -20% Cooldown per target hit

Pay attention: If you use a damage build for Ghost, Arcane Railgun is your main weapon against enemy players. In this case, Ghost becomes a long-range sniper with high damage, and you should use the rest of the abilities to prevent opponents from closing the distance.

Summon Napalm (R)


Ability Description: Summon arcane napalm at the target location. Deals 83 (+104% Ability Power) damage, increased by 50% at the center of the radius. Leaves behind a fire zone for 3 sec that deals 42 (+23% Ability Power) damage per second and slows enemies.

Cooldown: 55 sec
Level II: +20% Damage, -10 sec Cooldown

Pay attention: This ability’s effectiveness highly depends on Ability Power, so with the damage-build it becomes really dangerous. However, it would be a mistake to rely on it because of the long cooldown and difficulty of usage. This ability is good though when it comes to keeping enemies at a distance. You can also use it just under your feet when opponents attack you in close combat.

Ability Leveling Order

  1. Combat Slide – extremely important in the early game because it allows you to escape from enemies if something goes wrong.
  2. Spike Grenade – the key ability of Ghost in most builds; without it, you won’t be able to deal significant damage in PVP or PVE.
  3. Arcane Railgun – can be prioritized only for damage builds; suits long-range firefights and finishing off running opponents.
  4. Summon Napalm – ultimate ability, which should be used mostly for self-defense; use it as a barrier on an enemy’s path.

After unlocking the first 3 abilities, you should focus on those that suit your build and playstyle the most: level up Spike Grenade + Combat Slide first for Ghost-assaulter (tank / hybrid), or Arcane Railgun + Combat Slide for Ghost-sniper (damage / hybrid).

Ghost Builds

The hunter can be used in various ways, so there are 3 good builds for him.

Ghost Assaulter

If you prefer to actively hunt opponents, you need high damage and high mobility. Ghost-assaulter can use both damage and hybrid builds. Focus on Spike Grenade and Combat Slide.


  • Tech Helmet → Vive Infusor (+170 Ability Power, 17% Ability Haste). Every time you use Combat Slide, you will instantly heal yourself and receive healing over time. Also passively regenerate your HP when out of combat.
  • Quickblade → Big Game Hunter (+170 Ability Power, +34 Movespeed). This item will significantly increase your movement speed. In the late game, you will also gain bonus AP. Ghost is very dependent on movement speed, so you should include this stat in any builds.

Omnivamp works quite poorly on Ghost, so it’s not recommended.

Ghost Sniper

This build suits a long-range Ghost, focusing on Arcane Railgun. For this type of gameplay, you need high mobility and high ability power.


  • Quickblade → Big Game Hunter (+170 Ability Power, +34 Movespeed). This item will significantly increase your movement speed, and it’s absolutely necessary for any “thin” Ghost builds. In the late game, you will also gain bonus AP.
  • Tech Blade → Amplifier (+170 Ability Power, 17% Ability Haste). If you use the same ability (e.g. Spike Grenade) in a row, its cooldown will be reduced by 5% for each consequent usage. The effect stacks up to 10 times, letting you reduce the cooldown by as much as 50%.

Ghost Support (Survivor)

This build is oriented towards surviving and supporting allies more than dealing damage in PVP. Ghost-support requires high Ability Haste and high Movement Speed to be useful in combat.


  • Tech Helmet → Vive Infusor (+170 Ability Power, 17% Ability Haste). Every time you use Combat Slide, you will instantly heal yourself and receive healing over time. The more HP the hunter has, the higher the healing. Also passively regenerate your HP when out of combat.
  • Bladed Helmet → Greed (+85 Ability Power, +61 Max Health, +34 Movespeed). When you accumulate 4000 Gold, the helmet will consume it and give you additional stats. When you accumulate 8000 Gold, the helmet will consume it a second time, and you will get even more additional stats.

An alternative to “Greed” is the “Helm of Gigantism,” which will slightly increase your AP based on maximum HP.

Tips for Better Results on Ghost

  • Keep distance. Ghost is extremely weak in close combat, especially when you use “thin” builds. Use Spike Grenade and Summon Napalm to prevent enemies from closing the distance.
  • Stun Enemies. Use narrow locations to stun enemies by shooting Spike Grenade at walls. In narrow spaces, Ghost’s abilities are much more effective.
  • Do NOT use Combat Slide for offense. Save this ability to be able to escape pursuit.
  • Use different builds. If your ally is a tank, you should use damage/hybrid builds. If your ally is a “thin” damage dealer, it would be wise to use a tank build, focusing on support.
  • Have practice. Try to fight against bots in the “Practice” mode to become a confident PVP player.
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