SUPERVIVE Tier List: Best Hunters for Ranked Matches

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This tier list is based on objective data gathered from supervive.io. The defining criterion was the win rate of each separate champion. The kills-to-deaths ratio and pick rate in various game modes were also considered. Additional notes were added according to the author’s personal experience of playing ranked matches.

Tier List

  • S-Tier: Hudson, Oath, Shiv, Bishop, Kingpin, Joule
  • A-Tier: Shrike, Brall, Elluna, Felix
  • B-Tier: Void, Celeste
  • C-Tier: Ghost, Myth, Jin, Zeph

4 Best Hunters

If you want to rank up in SUPERVIVE, you should master S-Tier champions. Hudson and Oath are the best choices because both of them are tanks with high damage. According to the statistics, these hunters have one of the highest win rates (17-20%) and one of the best kills-to-deaths ratios (3-4:1).



The main weapon of this hunter is his minigun with a relatively long fire range. By holding RMB, you can activate the “Spin Barrels” ability, which significantly increases the fire rate. This skill heals Hudson for 0.3-0.5% per impact on enemies. Thanks to his passive ability, the champion regenerates 25% armor and health after each knock or kill of an enemy. It also provides passive regeneration of armor if Hudson does not take damage for 4 seconds.

The combination of these abilities makes Hudson a very strong tank, allowing him to take and deal a lot of damage. If your goal is to rank up, you should definitely master this champion.



This hunter is a perfect tank. By holding RMB, you can create a shield to protect yourself and your allies from any incoming damage. This gives the champion a huge advantage against long-range fighters like Shrike or Shiv. One of the most significant advantages of Oath is that he can charge his hammer (by holding LMB) and push opponents in the direction of impact.

The abilities of Oath also allow him to heal himself and allies by creating a healing field around his hammer. This champion is very dependent on mana because in combat he has to use abilities almost constantly. And of course, Oath can stun opponents, allowing allies to effortlessly deal damage to them.



The strongest side of Bishop is her movement abilities, thanks to which she’s able to easily catch up with enemies or escape from them. The best build for this champion is probably the hybrid build. High ability damage allows Bishop to be competitive in close combat and even stun opponents for a while, which is especially valuable in SUPERVIVE. By playing ranked matches, you may notice that the higher the league, the more often Bishop appears on the scene. For this reason, the hunter is definitely worth mastering.



Despite the fact that Brall is not a top champion by win rate for the “Duos” mode, he’s still very dangerous due to his high damage and flexibility in the use of skills. Usually, players use the vampiric build for this champion. His key advantages are the ability to quickly close the distance using the Feysteel Chain skill, as well as increasing the damage and haste dealt by consecutive auto-attacks on enemies. Empowered Brall is a very strong damage dealer. Every player who wants to rank up in SUPERVIVE should master this hunter.

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