SUPERVIVE: Tips and Tricks to Rank Up

Since SUPERVIVE is more of a battle royal, most general rules of this genre apply to it. At the moment, there are 7 ranks from “Bronze” to “Grandmaster” and a special rank “Legend” for TOP 100 players by rating. Tips and tricks from this guide will help you rank up even if you are not good at PVP.


If you want to rank up, it’s not necessary to hunt other players. You gain a lot of ranking points just for the place your team took. For example, if you finish the match as TOP 2, you will earn 40 RP, which is quite significant.


For this reason, you should actively improve your movement speed and increase your health during the match, especially if you don’t have stable teammates and mostly play with random players.

#2: Use Strong Hunters

Hunters in SUPERVIVE are divided into 5 Groups: Fighters, Initiators, Frontliners, Protectors, and Controllers. Not all hunters in this game are equally strong, so if you want to rank up, you should use the best of them.


Based on my experience, I recommend mastering the following characters: Brall, Jin, Joule, Shrike, Bishop, Felix, Celeste, Hudson. These are hunters who I see in ranked matches the most often, and who show the best performance.

The weakest hunter in the game at the moment is probably Ghost. Despite the fact he is well-designed, the character is very hard for beginners, and almost no one plays it in high leagues.

#3: Master 2-4 Hunters

Depending on the mode you prefer (2 vs 2 or 4 vs 4), you should master 2 or 4 champions. This will guarantee that you will play well even if your teammates steal your favorite characters.


To master” a hunter means to become a competitive PVP player using them. First, learn all their abilities, then select and test the right build for the champion in the “Practice” mode. And of course, try to play some unranked matches, focusing on PVP. If you can’t kill anyone and are chronically losing, you definitely need to change something: your build, your approach, or the hunter you use.

#4: Select the Right Build for the Hunter

Basically, there are 3 types of builds in SUPERVIVE: Damage, Hybrid, and Tank. As you may have noticed, the game usually recommends you to use a certain build for certain characters, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to rely on this recommendation and trust it.


Some hunters, who are initially supposed to be damage dealers, might show much better results with tank or hybrid builds. You should always try all free options and choose the best for yourself. Remember that your primary task in battle royale mode is surviving. Otherwise, you will just lose your ranking points, even if you make quite a lot of kills every match. This is the reason why tank and hybrid builds in SUPERVIVE are generally better than damage ones.


You can check all the existing items in the game in the “Learn” → “Equipment” section.

#5: Master Powers

At the moment of publishing this guide, there are 52 Powers and 4 Runes in SUPERVIVE. Beginners often ignore powers or consider them something secondary, but this is a mistake. Some of the powers might significantly improve your combat performance, especially when it comes to passive ones.

Here are just a few examples of powers that might increase your chances of victory:

  • Forest Walking (passive) – you can freely walk through trees, and you are invisible while within a tree.
  • Money Tree Seeds (active) – you can grow a money tree and obtain gold by destroying it with your weapon. This is important because you can spend gold on buying equipment and consumables in the shop.
  • Scuba Gear (passive) – while in water, your hunter moves at full speed and is invisible as long as not in combat. This is useful for making ambushes.
  • Delicate Barrier (passive) – at full health, take 50% reduced damage.
  • Regenerative Armor (passive) – if you don’t take damage in the last 4s, regenerate 0.6% armor every second.
  • Touch of Life (passive) – touching an ally heals both hunters for 15% with a short cooldown.
  • Omnivamp Rune (passive) – grants 4% omnivamp.


In fact, there are many more useful powers in the game. You can inspect all the existing powers in the “Learn” → “Powers” section.

#6: Learn Hotkeys

This may seem insignificant, but it is still very important. Go to “Settings” → “Keybinds,” and learn all the keybinding options available to you.


For example, you can level up your abilities by pressing ALT + Ability Key (e.g. Shift), which is much more convenient than doing this with a cursor, especially in intense fights.

#7: Improve Your Armor

There are 4 armors in the game:

  • Common Armor (gray) – 2500 Armor, 20% Damage Reduction;
  • Uncommon Armor (green) – 2500 Armor, 25% Damage Reduction;
  • Rare Armor (blue) – 2500 Armor, 30% Damage Reduction;
  • Legendary Armor (orange) – 3000 Armor, 35% Damage Reduction.

The better armor you have, the more effective you are in combat, and the higher your chances of securing a high position in the match.


You can get armor in the following ways:

  1. Buy in the shop for Gold (green – 2k, blue – 6k, orange – 15k);
  2. Find in certain vaults;
  3. Find in a crate on the train after solving the riddle;
  4. Open airdrops;
  5. As loot from the soul boss;
  6. By killing players who already have better armor.

The easiest way to get armor is to buy it in the shop, and this is the reason why you need to farm Gold as actively as possible.

#8: Find Compatible Allies

This is not difficult. Every time you show a good result with a random player, you can try to add them as a friend and invite them to your team to play together. Teamplay is very important in SUPERVIVE, so having competitive allies will help you rise in rank much faster.


Your friends are shown in the side panel in the lobby.

#9: Turn On Voice Chat

You can be sure that all TOP teams in SUPERVIVE use voice chat during the matches. Voice communication significantly affects a team’s PVP performance, allowing players to work more cohesively. If you have compatible allies and can communicate with them in voice chat, you will almost certainly perform better than 80% of other players.

#10: Conscious Practice

By doing the same things, you will get the same results. If you always play in the same way, using the same champions, you won’t learn. To become better in SUPERVIVE (or any other game), you need to analyze your failures and change something.


  • Your build: If you are mostly losing using the Damage build, try hybrid or tank ones. It doesn’t matter what the game recommends or which hunter you use. Just try other items and compare your results.
  • Your hunter: Let’s say you like a specific hunter, but for some reason your performance in PVP is very low. There are only two ways to fix this: master this champion using the “Practice” mode, or switch to someone else.
  • Your teammates: The last thing you need to do is blame others for your own failures. Nevertheless, if your ally often makes mistakes, doesn’t do their job, or is simply weak in general, you should try to play with someone else and compare your progress.
  • Your approach: Finally, if you lose with any hunter, any build, and any teammates, then the problem is you. You should deeply learn the game mechanics and significantly change your behavior during the match. Look at what you are usually doing, and try to do something completely different. For example, support allies instead of expecting this from them, or follow instead of leading.

And of course, remember that the easiest way to rank up in SUPERVIVE is to survive. So first of all, make yourself unbeatable, then start thinking about how to beat someone else.

#11: Actively Farm XP and Gold

Every time your hunter levels up, you can unlock or level up one of their abilities, which gives you a significant advantage in combat. You can get XP by killing mobs or other players. Also, you will receive Equipment XP, which will allow you to upgrade your gear and increase your hunter stats.


Creep Camps are marked on the map with purple icons. At the beginning of the match, you should land near one of these camps to unlock the first three abilities of your hunter as soon as possible. After this, you should actively move between creep camps and strive to obtain as much XP and Equipment XP as possible.


As soon as you collect 2000 or 6000 Gold, you should find the nearest shop and buy improved armor: uncommon or rare.

#12: Revive Your Allies

If your ally is dead, there are a few ways to revive them:

  • The Respawn Beacons. They are marked with green icons on the map. Some beacons may be destroyed, but you can rebuild them for Gold.
  • The deathboxes. Every fallen hunter leaves a deathbox at the place of their death. You can approach it and revive the player by holding the “E” key.
  • The “Most Wanted” quest. This quest is marked on the map with a crown icon and can only be taken if one of your allies is dead. The player who takes the quest must survive for about 2 minutes, after which the dead ally will be revived.

Always strive to revive your allies, but be careful near the beacons, as aggressive PVP squads often set up ambushes nearby.

#13: Claim Camps

Camps in SUPERVIVE allow you to brew healing potions, passively restore health and mana, and replenish armor for Gold. When you capture a camp, you will also see enemies on the map within the camp’s area.


Use camps actively to detect enemies. You can even pack up the camp and take it with you for a certain amount of Gold, which might be useful in the late game.

#14: Use Oracles

Oracles are located in various places on the map and can be activated by any hunter.


If you are in an enemy oracle’s scanning range, the team that activated it will know your approximate position on the map, so you need to be careful.


And vice versa, if you activate an oracle, you will see the approximate positions of enemies within its range.

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