Flag of UAKianl


Real First Name: Sergiy

Real Last Name: hidden

Role on Website: Administrator

Country: Ukraine Ukraine

Languages:English, Ukrainian, Russian

Age: 29 years

Occupation:Professional gamer, YouTube blogger, web developer, individual entrepreneur

Gaming Experience: 16 years

Favorite Games:Undawn, RAID, Lineage 2 (old), S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metro Exodus

Website: https://kianl.com

Social Networks: YouTube

About the Author

I've loved video games since I was a kid, so over time it became my job. I explore virtual worlds and share experiences with other gamers. My approach is to take a deep dive into game mechanics because I believe it is the sum of the little things that makes the difference between winning and losing.

ALOFT: How to Upgrade Weapons and Tools

Weapons in Aloft are divided into two types: melee (swords, spears) and ranged (bows). Since the game is in early access, at the moment only two levels of weapons (and tools) are available: Stone and ...

ALOFT: Cooking Guide & All Cooking Recipes

Food in Aloft is needed to temporarily increase the character’s stats: damage, max HP, attack speed, momentum, movement, and so on. Most food can only be cooked, but some drinks can be crafted at a ...

Aloft animals
ALOFT: Animal Guide

To adopt an animal from the wilderness, you need to feed it. For example, sheep, alpacas, and goats eat Hay (3 Small Plants, 1 Rope), while birds eat Grain (can be made from seeds using a ...

aloft ship
ALOFT: Tips for Beginners

Aloft is a survival exploration game where you travel between floating islands in the sky, discovering their mysteries. Your goal is to find a way to cleanse the world of corruption. I’ve prepared ...

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