Dragonheir: Silent Gods Combat System Guide

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

The combat system in Dragonheir: Silent Gods is relatively easy to grasp, but it may raise questions for newcomers who have never played similar games. In this brief guide, I will share with you all the essential things that will help you understand the game’s combat system and emerge victorious in any battle.

Use the in-game help section

Next to the mini-map, there is a question mark icon for help (). You can also find this icon in the main game menu. Click on it to open the “Guide” section, where all key information is stored. It gradually fills in as you encounter new mechanics.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

While the help section doesn’t provide detailed descriptions of each game mechanic, it gives you a general understanding of what is happening and why.

Hero placement on the field

Battles in Dragonheir: Silent Gods take place on a grid, usually 8×5, where each cell can accommodate only one hero at a time. Players have access to only one half of the field, while the opponent’s heroes are placed on the other half.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Up to 5 player heroes can participate in a battle (PVE opponents can be much more numerous). Heroes are placed on the playing field by dragging them from the lower panel. To replace a hero on the field, drag a new one into its position.

Aggro Lines

When you move a hero across the field, Aggro Lines (colorful beams) become visible, indicating how heroes will attack each other after the battle begins.

  • Red Aggro Line means that an enemy hero intends to attack the hero indicated by this Aggro Line, but your target hero will attack someone else.
    Dragonheir: Silent Gods
  • Purple Aggro Line indicates that your hero and the enemy hero are set to attack each other.
    Dragonheir: Silent Gods
  • Yellow Aggro Line means that your hero will attack the enemy hero indicated by the Aggro Line, but the target enemy hero will attack someone else.
    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Understanding this system is crucial from the start, as hero placement significantly influences the outcome of battles in both PVE and PVP on the Arena.

Objects affecting heroes

Additional objects on the playing field can impact heroes in various ways. Here are some examples:

  • Fence: a destructible barrier that heroes cannot pass through.
    Dragonheir: Silent Gods
  • Spring Water: Spring of the Eternal Return periodically heals any heroes within its radius, while Vitality Spring accelerates the recharge speed of heroes in its radius by 100%.
    Dragonheir: Silent Gods
  • Flag: Flags can belong to different elements and will only affect heroes of the corresponding element. Within the Flag’s radius, heroes gain +50% Attack Speed and +100% Crit Rate.
    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

You can find information about other objects in the “Guide” section in the game (the bottom tab with a skull icon).

Elemental Affinity Bonus

In the top-left corner of the interface, you can see a circular icon with five petals. Click on it to open the Elemental Affinity section.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Affinities in Dragonheir: Silent Gods are divided into 3 groups, with 2 elements in each:

  1. Radiance + Lightning,
  2. Fire + Poison,
  3. Frost + Necrotic.

When you place 3 or 5 heroes with the corresponding affinity on the field (e.g., 2 Radiance + 3 Lightning), your team receives bonuses listed in the Elemental Affinity section.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Elemental Affinity bonuses evolve and strengthen as you progress in the game. You can enhance these bonuses in the PsychicoreElemental Affinity section using Affinity Solvent.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Saving teams

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

By clicking on the helmet icon during hero placement, you enter the team-saving and selection interface. A player can have up to 15 saved teams simultaneously.

Food buff

Remember that during hero placement, you can enhance your team with a food buff. Quality food significantly impacts your results by applying powerful bonuses to the team (e.g., +10% Attack). Only one food effect can be active at a time.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Food is prepared at the character’s Camp. Recipes unlock as you progress through the main storyline. Purchase recipe books from various merchants and combine different ingredients.

How battles unfold

After initiating a battle, players lose the ability to control heroes in any way except for using their Ultimate Skills. Allied and enemy heroes start attacking each other. To win, you must destroy all enemy heroes. Usually, there is a specific time limit displayed in the top-left timer.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

If your heroes fail to defeat enemy heroes/bosses within this time, you will be counted as defeated.

Everything you need to know about your opponents

During hero placement, you can click on the icon with two sheets of paper in the top-right corner to open the “Information” section.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

This section lists all special conditions for the specific battle and all opponents you will face, along with their skills.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Note that in some modes (e.g., Frost / Tempest / Flame Domains), the element of the heroes you deploy plays a decisive role. For example, Lightning and Radiance heroes will deal significantly less damage to enemies while receiving much more damage. This penalty increases with the dungeon difficulty level, reaching 90%.

Moreover, some enemies (such as Elementals) may be immune to damage of their element, with a 100% resistance. That’s why using heroes of the appropriate element is crucial.

In the “Information” section, you can also study the skills of enemy mobs and the boss you will encounter. Usually, the boss has an obvious weakness that you should exploit for victory. A universal approach is to use Attack Penalty II + Recharging Speed Penalty + Ultimate Energy reducing. In simple terms, you periodically halve the boss’s attack and slow down the recharge of their Ultimate Energy, making the boss use skills less frequently.

Skills, Auras, and Damage Multipliers

In Dragonheir: Silent Gods, each hero possesses 3 skills:

  • Passive Skill affects the character passively according to the skill description.
  • Battle Skill is used by the character automatically once the skill becomes available.
  • Ultimate Skill can be activated manually by the player at the right moment or will be used automatically after filling the Ultimate Energy if auto-mode is activated.

Some heroes may have an Aura that enhances specific parameters for the entire team under certain conditions. Only one aura can be active simultaneously, and it can be selected from the available options in a special interface during hero placement before the battle.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Additionally, each hero has a basic attack, performed at intervals corresponding to the hero’s ATK Interval parameter (e.g., once every 2.5 seconds).

Unlike similar games like RAID: Shadow Legends, in Dragonheir: Silent Gods, damage multipliers are known in advance. You must check the “Details” option in the skill description to make them visible.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Note that different skills may depend on various character parameters. For example, the damage of Sigrid’s skill “Venom Arrow” depends on the Attack parameter, while the damage of Horrus’s skill “Hammer of Fortitude” depends on his Defense and is not enhanced by the Attack parameter or any other.

By clicking on any skill, you can see a usage pattern in the description window. The hero is denoted by a yellow cell, and the skill’s area of effect is marked by white cells.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Each skill also has Initial Recharge Time and Complete Recharge Time.

  • Initial Recharge Time is the time after which the hero can use the skill for the first time after the battle starts (e.g., after 18 seconds).
  • Complete Recharge Time is the time it takes for the complete recharge of the skill.

For instance, if Initial Recharge Time = 18 seconds and Complete Recharge Time = 23 seconds, it means that after the start of the battle, the hero can use the skill for the first time after 18 seconds, and then you need to wait 23 seconds until the next usage.

The recharge speed of both Battle Skills and Ultimate Skills can be reduced in several ways, including increasing the hero’s Skill Haste parameter through the Artifact effect and / or equipping them with specific gear sets, as well as passive and active skills of the hero and allies.

The recharge speed of skills is especially crucial in Arena battles, as seizing the initiative often determines the outcome of the fight.

Auto-Raid and Auto-Mode

As mentioned earlier, if you activate the Auto-Mode (press the “Auto” button during battle), heroes will use their Ultimate Skills automatically without your participation.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Auto-Raid is the ability to consecutively launch multiple battles in one game mode automatically without player involvement. Auto-Raid can be activated during hero placement. To do this, you will need Auto-Raid tickets, which can be obtained through participation in events or purchased in the in-game store.


At the moment, this is all the key information you need to know about the combat system in Dragonheir: Silent Gods. I did not touch on the Tower Defense mode in this post as it is less related to the game’s core gameplay. In the future, as new interesting mechanics are discovered or existing ones are explored in more depth, the guide will be updated. You can expedite the process by sharing information in the comments or simply by asking the right questions.

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