Undawn Character Stats Guide


In Undawn, characters have numerous stats, many of which might be confusing for newcomers. Moreover, the names and descriptions of some stats can even mislead experienced survivors. That’s why I decided to write this Undawn character stats guide and share my experience. I must note that I haven’t personally tested everything written here. Some information is based on my subjective assumptions, while others are obtained from experienced players.

How to view all your character’s stats

All open character stats in Undawn are accessible in the “Character” section (press “Y” on the keyboard or click on the character level icon in the top left corner of the interface).


Basic character stats are available in the “Basic” tab, and some additional ones can be found in the “Advanced” tab. However, you should be aware that there are several other stats and modifiers that are not explicitly shown in the “Character” section, such as “Armor Piercing.” I will also explain these in this guide.

Basic Character Stats

There are a total of 6 primary character stats.


Max HP


Max HP represents the character’s maximum health pool (green bar). If the character’s health bar drops to zero due to damage, the character will die. Upon death in the open world, the character loses some resources from their inventory. These resources remain at the death location and can be retrieved later.

Max Armor


Max Armor is the character’s maximum armor capacity (blue bar). If the Max Armor value is not zero, any damage received by the character will first deplete Max Armor before affecting health. Max Armor differs from Max HP in that it regenerates quite quickly if the character avoids taking damage for a certain period (approximately 15-20 seconds in my tests against zombies).

Damage and Damage Formula

This parameter can cause the most confusion. Until recently, I myself didn’t fully understand how it works, but when I started testing, I was quite surprised.


The main thing you need to understand is that Damage is NOT the “character’s damage,” but rather a modifier that affects weapon damage. Every 10 points of the Damage stat increase weapon damage by 1%. For example, if your Damage is 500, you should take the base damage of the equipped weapon and multiply it by 1.5 (adding 50%). Here’s how I tested it.

In the Camp Area near Breeze Ranges, there are level 5 sheep with minimal Armor (note that this is different from the Max Armor stat, as it refers to damage reduction). I reset the heavy weapon perks to exclude their influence on damage, which made the calculations more complex. Then, I conducted several tests using different weapons with and without additional Armor Piercing. The purpose was to ensure that the sheep’s Armor was completely ignored and didn’t affect the final damage. I also confirmed that equipment modifiers like “Damage to Animals” do not apply to the character. Since sheep are undoubtedly “animals,” these modifiers must be taken into account.

Based on my tests, the basic damage formula is as follows: Weapon Base Damage * Weapon Polishing Damage Bonus (%) * Damage Bonus (%) * Camp Training Damage Modifier (%) * Fullness Damage Bonus (3%). I spent about one and a half hours trying to figure out why my calculations didn’t work, and it was due to the “Fullness” bonus, which increases character damage by 3% when they are well-fed.


You can check this bonus by clicking on the effects row located below your character’s health bar. I hope you appreciate my efforts. Now let’s put all this to the test.

  • My AK-47 (without Armor Piercing) has a Base Damage of 209.
  • The Base Damage bonus from Polishing is 6%.
  • The character’s Damage stat is 582.
  • The “Barrens Hunter” perk (Camp Training) provides a 9.2% bonus, increasing damage to mobs (humans, animals, and zombies). Remember, sheep are “animals.”
  • The Fullness bonus adds an additional 3% damage to all enemies.



According to the formula (ignoring armor entirely), the damage should be: 209 * 1.06 * 1.58 * 1.092 * 1.03 = ~393.70. For the test, I shot the sheep directly in the torso. As you can see in the screenshot, this is indeed the damage value we get, but rounded down.


To ensure the accuracy of the results, I repeated the test with the M24 Sniper Rifle, which has 20 Torso Armor Piercing in its stats. Its base damage is significantly higher, and therefore the results should be more precise.

  • M24 Base Damage is 983.
  • The Base Damage bonus from Polishing is 6%.
  • The character’s Damage stat is 582.
  • The “Barrens Hunter” perk still provides a 9.2% bonus.
  • The Fullness bonus adds an additional 3% damage to all enemies.


The damage according to the formula is: 983 * 1.6 * 1.58 * 1.092 * 1.03 = ~1851.72, and in practice, we once again get exactly this value, but rounded up. Based on this, I conclude that my calculations are accurate, and the formula works.


Video about Damage Formula

YouTube video cover
UNDAWN Damage Formula (basic) | How Is Damage Calculated 🧐

Head, Torso, and Leg Armor

These parameters reduce the damage received by the character (or any other creature in the game). My tests show that the “Head” zone includes the enemy’s head and neck, “Torso” refers to the chest and arms, and “Legs” encompass everything below the waist.


However, I haven’t yet figured out precisely how the damage reduction works based on the values of Head, Torso, and Leg Armor. Nevertheless, I can confidently state that the damage reduction is not linear. In other words, increasing Head, Torso, or Leg Armor by 50 points does not mean you will receive 50 points less damage to that body part. There is likely a formula that calculates the percentage reduction in damage based on numerical values of Head, Torso, and Leg Armor, but I haven’t been able to determine it yet. If you have any ideas, feel free to share them in the comments.

Damage Stats vs Armor Piercing (Video)

YouTube video cover
Undawn: Damage vs Armor Piercing vs Damage (%) vs Base Damage | What is Better to Develop? 🤨

Advanced Character Stats

Advanced Character Stats are divided into two groups: “Combat Stats” and “Survival Stats.” Let’s examine each group separately. I must note that I haven’t had the chance to thoroughly test many of these stats, as it requires a patient and interested partner, which I currently lack. Therefore, in some cases, I have to rely on assumptions, indirect conclusions, and common sense.

Combat Stats


  • Skill Strength: Increases the effectiveness of various character skills, including grenade, mine, and turret damage, as well as healing effects from the Healing Device and B39 Biotic Rifle.
  • Critical Hit: Increases the chance of landing a critical hit. Critical hits are indicated by a yellow color in the game. However, the inflicted hit can a “weakness” and a “critical” hit simultaneously. Both hits are marked in yellow.
  • Critical Resistance: Reduces the chance of the character receiving a critical hit from an enemy. Presumably, this is subtracted from the attacker’s Critical Hit value (e.g., Critical Hit 25% – Critical Resistance 10%). Not tested.
  • Critical Damage: Increases the damage multiplier when dealing a Critical Hit. The base Critical Damage multiplier is approximately 140%-150% (obtained from superficial tests; the exact value is unknown). This value is added to the Critical Damage from the “Combat Stats” tab to calculate the final damage. Formula: Normal Damage * Base Critical Multiplier (about 150%) + Critical Damage (from the “Combat Stats” tab).
  • Critical Damage Resistance: Reduces the critical damage received by the character. Presumably, this is subtracted from the attacker’s Critical Damage (e.g., 200% Critical Damage – 20% Critical Damage Resistance). Not tested.
  • Weakness Damage: Increases damage when hitting an enemy’s weak spot. For players, regular zombies, and human mobs, the weak spot is the head, while for monsters and bosses, it may be various body parts (e.g., the abdomen). Damage dealt to the weak spot can be critical. The weakness damage value is added to the base weakness damage, which presumably is around ~175% (tested on sheep).
  • Weakness Damage Resistance: Reduces the weakness damage received by the player (damage to the head). Presumably, this is subtracted from the attacker’s Weakness Damage (e.g., 200% Weakness Damage – 35% Weakness Damage Resistance). Not tested.

Survival Stats


  • Max Energy: Represents the character’s maximum energy capacity. Energy in Undawn is consumed when sprinting, rolling, jumping, and sliding.
  • Energy Recovery Per Second: Indicates the amount of energy the player regenerates per second. Energy begins to regenerate after the player stops actions that consume it. This means you cannot spend and regenerate energy simultaneously (e.g., while sprinting).
  • HP Recover Every 5s: This stat determines the amount of health the character recovers every 5 seconds. By default, this parameter is set to zero, but it can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment. It can be useful in PvE scenarios.
  • Festering Chance Reduction: Reduces the chance of zombies inflicting a festering wound. When zombies attack you, they have a chance to inflict a festering wound. In this case, the character receives a debuff called “Fester,” and they begin to lose HP (regardless of Max Armor) and health over a few seconds.
    This stat reduces the chance of getting the “Fester” debuff. It is presumed to be subtracted from the attacker’s “Festering Chance” value (e.g., Festering Chance 20% – Festering Chance Reduction 10%). Not tested.
  • Hunger / Health / Energy Drain Reduction: Slows down the rate at which the character loses hunger, health, and energy points. For example, the character will remain satiated for a longer time during material gathering, lose health more slowly under acid rain, and consume less energy during actions that require it (e.g., sprinting, rolling, sliding, jumping).
  • Rescue Speed: Increases the speed at which you can rescue your ally. This is particularly useful in PvP modes. When characters lose health, they don’t die immediately but become incapacitated and crawl on all fours for a period, slowly losing health. Enemies can finish off injured players, while allies can rescue them. The Rescue Speed stat affects how quickly you can perform the rescue action on an incapacitated ally.

Hidden Stats

In Undawn, there are also several parameters that are not explicitly mentioned in the character information section for some reason. Even a basic understanding of how these parameters work is crucial for your progress in the game.

Armor Piercing (points)

Since there are three types of Armor (Head, Torso, Leg), there are also three types of Armor Piercing (Head Armor Piercing, Torso Armor Piercing, and Leg Armor Piercing). These stats can be increased using the Additional Stats on equipment. There is also a general Armor Piercing stat that increases armor piercing for all body parts.


My superficial tests have shown that in most cases, the Armor Piercing stat is more important than the Damage stat. I tested this using food (also read the guide on cooking in Undawn). One dish increased Damage by 34 points, while another increased Armor Piercing by 21 points.


As you may recall, every 10 points of the Damage stat increase actual damage by 1%. Therefore, we get only a 3% increase in damage. Armor Piercing is presumed to be subtracted from the target’s Armor value for the body part that is being attacked (e.g., 100 Armor – 50 Armor Piercing). In practice, this results in a greater damage boost against armored targets (e.g., players in PvP).

Note: Honestly, this is quite strange. Usually, in games, the damage reduction formula is represented as a curve that approaches a threshold value that cannot be exceeded (e.g., a maximum of 85% damage reduction). This means that the more armor a character has, the smaller the damage reduction they will receive for each additional point of armor.

damage reduction chart example

If Undawn’s armor works in a similar way, then it would mean that the more armor a target has, the LESS (rather than MORE, as it should be) effective the Armor Piercing stat would be because it is also represented in points, not percentages. However, my superficial tests show the opposite. That’s why I’m confident that 10 points of Armor Piercing provide a 1.5 times greater damage boost than 10 points of the Damage stat.

Damage against Buildings / Zombies / Humans / Animals (%)


These parameters can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment or by consuming certain types of food. They represent damage multipliers against specific types of enemies or objects. As we have already seen in the “Damage and damage formula” section above, these are indeed multipliers. When you deal damage to a corresponding enemy or object, it is increased by a certain percentage. For example: DMG * (1 + Damage against something).

  • Buildings: Refers to player-built structures that can be attacked in the Camp Infiltration mode (a separate guide is already available on the website).
  • Zombies: Includes zombie mobs and zombie bosses.
  • Humans: Represents human NPCs. Players in Undawn are not classified as “humans,” so the parameters “Damage against Humans” and “Damage Reduction against Humans” will be useless.
  • Animals: Includes animal mobs like wolves, bears, sheep, deer, and others.

Damage Reduction against Zombies / Humans / Animals (%)


These parameters reduce the damage the player receives from zombies, humans, or animals by the specified percentage: INCOMING DMG * (1 – Damage Reduction against something). Having these parameters can be useful in PvE scenarios but has no relevance in PvP modes since players are not classified as “humans.”

Throwing Damage Increase (%)


This parameter can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment. It enhances the damage of any throwable items found in the EscSkillsThrow section. Presumably, it acts as a multiplier that increases the overall damage of throwables: DMG * (1 + Throwing Damage Increase).

Device Damage Boost (%)


This parameter can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment, particularly Heavy Weapons. Presumably, it acts as a multiplier that increases the overall damage dealt by any devices found in the EscSkillsDevice section. It is not clear if this parameter affects the Healing Device’s healing capability. The assumed formula is: DEVICE DMG * (1 + Device Damage Boost).

Head / Torso / Leg Damage Reduction (%)


Each of these parameters can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment. Presumably, they reduce the overall damage dealt to the corresponding body part of the character by a certain percentage: DMG * (1 – Body Part Damage Reduction).

Armor Damage Reduction (%)


This parameter can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment, particularly Armor. Presumably, it reduces the damage that affects the player’s Max Armor points and ceases to take effect when the Max Armor bar is depleted: DMG TO ARMOR * (1 – Armor Damage Reduction). Not tested.

Gun Damage Reduction (%)


This parameter can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment, particularly Armor. Presumably, it reduces the damage received from a specific type of weapon by a certain percentage: DMG * (1 – Gun Damage Reduction). Not tested. There are several types of this bonus:

  • Submachine Gun Damage Reduction
  • Assault Rifle Damage Reduction
  • Shotgun Damage Reduction
  • Light Machine Gun Damage Reduction
  • Sniper Rifle Damage Reduction
  • Melee Damage Reduction

Skill Damage Boost (%)


This parameter can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment, particularly Gloves. Presumably, it enhances the damage of any player skills, including throwables, turrets, mines, and others: SKILL DMG * (1 + Skill Damage Boost). Not tested.

Cooldown Reduction (%)


This parameter can be increased through Additional Stats on equipment, particularly Gloves. Presumably, it reduces the cooldown of any player skills, including throwables, turrets, mines, and others: COOLDOWN * (1 – Cooldown Reduction). Not tested.

Damage Resistance (points)


This parameter can be increased through specific food or the Camp Training perk. The exact workings of this parameter are not fully understood. Initially, it was thought to simply reduce incoming damage by the specified number of points. However, surface tests indicate that this might not be the case. It is now suspected that there might be a minimum amount of incoming damage below which Damage Resistance stops working, but this is not confirmed. If you have additional information, please share it in the comments.

Gathering Speed (%)


This parameter can be increased through specific food. It speeds up the process of gathering materials such as chopping trees or mining ores, among other things. Both the gathering process itself and the animation are accelerated.

Skill Strength Resistance (points)


This parameter can be increased through specific food or the Camp Training perk. It reduces the effectiveness of the attacker’s skills against the player. Presumably, it is subtracted from the attacker’s Skill Strength, for example: 400 Skill Strength – 70 Skill Strength Resistance. Not tested.


The reader may notice that many of the formulas are derived mainly from observations and haven’t been fully tested. Unfortunately, this is true. Testing most of the listed parameters requires a patient and interested partner, which I don’t have. As a result, I can only speculate on certain aspects, compare them with what I know for sure, and build more or less realistic hypotheses.

However, some things, such as the basic damage formula, have been accurately established. I hope that understanding all these aspects or at least having a general idea about them will contribute to your progress in the game. If you have additional information, feel free to share it in the comments. This will not only help the website but also benefit tens of thousands of its readers.

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  • Dany

    Hello Kianl! Thanks for the guide! i would like to know something that i still don’t understand. Approximately 100 points on the torso, by how much does it decrease the weapon damage received from opponents in pvp?

    • Kianl
      Reply to Dany

      Hello. I do not know this. I’ve never tested how the armor works. This requires a very patient and interested partner, which I don’t have yet.

  • Andrea

    I just would like ask something about DMG stats still, 

    1 So do weakness damage /crit DMG/ crit hit stats apply to both main and secondary weapon but no skills as damage stats? 

    Or if I increase crit hit of main this reflects on  drone too? (Or reverse) 

    2 And does that crazy 7.x% armour piercing stat on drone apply on everything?

    3 And the DMG from vanguard chip applies to the weapon on which is placed or both? 

    Already faced the issue bout chips around here so we know chips are basically one of last things to achieve cause advantages/price ratio is pretty low.

    So this last is just a curiosity.


    • Kianl
      Reply to Andrea

      1) As far as I know, no
      2) I can’t say anything for sure about the drone, since I didn’t have the pleasure of testing everything fine
      3) Any stats from chips (such as damage +60) increase the corresponding parameters of the character, so they will work on both weapons

  • Andrea

    Hello , i watched ur last videos, many things in few minutes.  I think almost nobody has a rough idea about stats even months after game has been realized, cause basically the only way to understand are serious test on field and study a bit, things that people just avoid.

    That said, about damage on weapons, we can summorize base damage%  only affects weapon where the perk is,  damage increase % affects all weapons and skills too, damage can reach higher values ( 60 dmg is like 6% more damage ) but dont affects skills (so onky skill strenght matters, finally Armor piercing is the bigger boost to armoured e enemies, since 40 Armor piercing is like kinda 60 dmg more. And affects everything skills too.

    That is what I understood now. Regarding Armor piercing perk beeing useless against enemies with less armour than Armor piercing character stat, i noticed anyway That using Armor piercing food (66) is more effettive than dmg food (70 over) against zombie in train station, so really i would use dmg buffs only for dailies and easy things. My rating is only 40k i think That matters too. 

    Rating is just overrated by players anyway. I switched a 300 rating with piercing and crit dmg crit hit perks for a over 460  with % base damage perk and a lot of dumb green perks, and I regret about that now I watched your vvideos.

    • Kianl
      Reply to Andrea

      Hello. Yes, in fact, the system works quite strangely. Sometimes stats that give a higher rating turn out to be worse in PVP or even PVE.

      • Andrea
        Reply to Kianl

        But if I have green perks head armour piercing, torso piercing and leg piercing together, lets say around 40 value, does this equals a purple perk armour piercing of 40?

        At least (at least cause if I remamber well perks together give more than a simple addiction)

        Cause it would be pretty impressive, given the fact armour piercing 50 is basically the best perk you can achieve on a weapon 

        • Kianl
          Reply to Andrea

          Yes, color is not important. 50 armor piercing (total) = 50 head + 50 torso + 50 legs.
          The thing is that you can get the purple, blue, and green bonuses at the same time. And then your armor piercing will be truly impressive.

  • Andrea

    How much does impact critical hit the accuracy of a weapon in ur opinion? Can a high value of that stat fix ak-47 or even light machine gun?

    • Kianl
      Reply to Andrea

      Hello. As far as I know, critical damage doesn’t affect weapon accuracy in any way. Accuracy can be increased if the character crouches (at least, in my experience). As for critical hits, it simply means higher damage. By default, critical damage is around 150% (I couldn’t determine the exact value), and it’s augmented by the percentages listed in the corresponding character attributes.

      • Andrea
        Reply to Kianl

        Yes, but since there are 2 stats about critical damage, and these are properly called critical damage, and critical hit, can’t be same thing. Since you wrote “Critical Hit: Increases the chance of landing a critical hit” this basically means it s a value that decrease spread rate of weapon against enemy critical points that is like to say it’s a value that increases the weapon accuracy on critical points (yellow numbers) of enemy. I noticed some improvement but I’m not sure, I’ve just better going to increase critical damage stat at max 

  • Stimul

    Ребята,как успехи?очень интересно результаты теста,очень хочется понять как работает формула сопротивление урону.Спасибо.

    • Kianl
      Reply to Stimul

      Привет. Пока никак. Не с кем все это тестировать.

  • Veronica

    Kianl, I really appreciate your detail analysis. You answered most of my question, esp. then formula behind each stat. Thank you so much. In case you need help to test certain analysis, I want to help ^^

    • Kianl
      Reply to Veronica

      Hello! If you also play on server 1002, then we could try. Please write your nickname in the game. I will try to come up with some kind of quick test so as not to take a lot of time, and I will contact you.

  • Auperix

    Please add me on discord:


    My current dmg in lvl 69 is 1006. I want to discuss things with you. 

  • Naiz

    ✨Amazing tyy✨

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