Dragonheir: Silent Gods Hero Stats Guide

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Each hero in Dragonheir: Silent Gods has a set of parameters that may not be entirely clear to a newcomer. In this short guide, I will explain the significance of all existing parameters and their influence on the effectiveness of heroes.

Dependency of Skills on Parameters

The effectiveness of your heroes’ Battle and Ultimate Skills depends on different character parameters. You should always note the “Details” option in the skill descriptions and check which parameter enhances a particular skill.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Skills of one hero’s attack (e.g., Sigrid) may depend on the Attack stat, while the attacking skills of another hero (e.g., Horrus) may rely on Defense. Healing skills of a third hero (e.g., Heksandra) may depend on Enlightenment.


Dragonheir: Silent Gods

HP stands for health points of a character. When heroes inflict damage on each other, they deduct a certain amount of HP. A hero whose HP is depleted dies. HP can be increased by leveling up the character, equipping them with appropriate gear, and using the corresponding Aura in battles. Heroes also gain additional HP through the development of Elemental Affinity bonuses (Phychicore) for 3 and 5 heroes.


Dragonheir: Silent Gods

The Defense parameter reduces incoming damage to the character. The exact formula for damage reduction is currently unknown to me. The higher a character’s Defense points, the less damage they will receive from opponents. Like HP, Defense can be increased by raising the character’s level, equipping them with corresponding gear, and developing Elemental Affinity bonuses.


Dragonheir: Silent Gods

The Attack stat of heroes influences the damage of their basic attacks, as well as the damage and strength of the effects of their Battle and Ultimate Skills. It is important to note that hero skills may depend on different parameters (including Defense, HP, Enlightenment), rendering the Attack stat useless in some cases. You can increase a hero’s Attack through leveling up, different equipment, auras, and Elemental Affinity bonuses.


Dragonheir: Silent Gods

This parameter often raises questions among newcomers. For simplicity, I will explain its operation principle: Enlightenment only affects skills that deal Derivative Damage or explicitly list this parameter as a modifier in their description.

Derivative Damage is a special type of damage that cannot be critical (Crit. Rate does not affect it) but is enhanced by Enlightenment. By clicking on the character’s parameter panel and finding Enlightenment in the list, you can check the current percentage increase in Derivative Damage (e.g., +17.6%).

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Here are a few examples to better understand the concept.

Example #1: The damage of the epic hero Corrin’s passive and ultimate skills depends on both Attack and Enlightenment simultaneously.

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Example #2: The amount of healing generated by the rare heroine Heksandra with her Battle Skill also depends on both her Attack and Enlightenment simultaneously.

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A 10x difference in coefficients suggests that it is better to develop the effectiveness of this skill using Enlightenment. With 100 Enlightenment units, you will gain +1500 healing, while with 100 Attack units, only +150.

Example #3: The Passive Skill of the hero Eli inflicts Derivative Poison Damage. Despite only the hero’s Attack being listed as a modifier, Enlightenment will also amplify this damage as a multiplier.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Enlightenment can be increased through equipment, artifacts, Elemental Affinity bonuses, and Auras.

Crit. Rate and Crit. Damage

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Crit. Rate is the character’s chance, in percentage, to deal a critical hit when using basic attacks or skills. The damage of a critical hit is amplified by the Crit. Damage multiplier.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

For example, if Sigrid’s initial damage to a target is ~1682, with a 76% Crit. Damage, her critical damage to the target would be 1682 * 1.76 = ~2960. You can approximately see this figure in screenshots from test results (considering a slight variance).

Accuracy and Resistance

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Accuracy increases your character’s chances of successfully applying debuffs and control effects or dispelling buffs on enemies. When your character’s Accuracy is higher than the enemy’s Resistance, their chances of success will be high.

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Resistance, on the other hand, increases your character’s chances of being affected by enemy debuffs, control effects, or buff dispelling. From in-game parameter descriptions, it is known that the chances of success will be maximized if the character’s Resistance is at least 80 units higher than the enemy’s Accuracy.

In PVE, information about bosses’ Resistance is always indicated in the “Information” panel. For example, to successfully apply debuffs to a dragon boss in the Tempest Domain at level 3 difficulty, 50 Accuracy is required, while the boss itself has 30 Resistance.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Note: Do not confuse the probability of successfully applying negative effects with the chance of their application when using a skill. These are entirely different things. If your character’s skill has a 75% chance to apply debuffs to enemies, this chance will not be increased in any way by Accuracy.

ATK Interval

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

ATK Interval is the time interval between two basic attacks of a character. This parameter can be increased with corresponding equipment, artifacts, buffs, and skills.

Note that different heroes have different ATK Intervals. If the ATK Interval is high (e.g., 2.5 seconds), it means the hero is oriented towards using skills. If the ATK Interval is low (e.g., 1.82 seconds), it indicates that the hero is focused on dealing damage with basic attacks or at least has the potential for it.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

To check the current Attack Speed increase percentage, press on the character’s parameter panel and find the description of the ATK Interval parameter in the window that appears.

Skill Haste

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Skill Haste increases the recharge speed of your heroes’ Battle and Ultimate skills. To check the current cooldown reduction percentage, press on the character’s parameter panel and find the description of the Skill Haste parameter in the window that appears.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Currently, Skill Haste is one of the most important character parameters in Dragonheir: Silent Gods. Lower skill cooldowns mean more frequent skill usage, which, in turn, leads to more frequent application of debuffs and control effects on enemies, more frequent strengthening and healing of allies, and intercepting the initiative of the first Ultimate Skill usage in Arenas. Skill Haste can be increased mainly through equipment and artifacts.

Which Parameters to Develop for a Hero?

Here is a simple way to understand which parameters to develop for ANY hero you have:

  • What is the main task of the hero? Will they heal and strengthen your team, apply control effects to enemies, “tank,” or directly deal damage? You must answer this question to understand which hero skills to enhance first.
  • Which parameter affects the effectiveness of the required skill/skills? For example, as mentioned earlier, the damage of Horrus’ skills depends on his Defense, and the Attack parameter is useless for this hero.
  • Is your hero oriented towards skills or basic attacks? A hero oriented towards dealing damage with basic attacks can be exemplified by the rare hero Yagnatz. His skills simply deal damage to a single target, and every third basic attack deals additional damage and increases the hero’s Attack Speed. If you want a hero to use their skills more often, you definitely need to develop their Skill Haste.
  • Does the hero need Accuracy? Do you plan to use the hero to apply debuffs or control effects on enemies or to remove buffs from them? If yes, then you should primarily develop Accuracy for such a hero. Note that some heroes do not need this parameter at all.
  • Do you need Resistance? Should your hero avoid being affected by control effects and debuffs or resist having buffs removed by opponents? For example, you will probably want to avoid control effects in Arena battles.

If you correctly answer these questions, you will have no problems with the proper development of your heroes. Just focus on enhancing the strong aspects of your heroes: if a hero “tanks” well, develop their resilience even more; if they have a powerful skill, let them use it more frequently; if they heal allies well, let them heal faster and more.

This guide may be expanded in the future. If you have any questions or anything to add, feel free to write comments.

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