Dragonheir Stamina Guide: How to Obtain and Use Efficiently


Stamina in Dragonheir: Silent Gods is the energy players spend on dungeon exploration. The maximum Stamina capacity is 120 units. Every 10 real-time minutes, players passively regenerate 1 unit of Stamina until reaching the maximum capacity. After that, passive Stamina regeneration ceases.

How to Check Current Stamina

The Stamina counter is not displayed in the main interface. To check your current Stamina, open the map with the “M” hotkey or by clicking on the mini-map in the main interface. In the top right corner, you’ll find your Stamina counter. Click on it to check the remaining time until full recovery.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

How to Replenish Stamina

You can wait for natural Stamina recovery or replenish it using Stamina Bread. Click the “” icon next to the Stamina counter, choose the corresponding consumable, and use it.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

In Dragonheir: Silent Gods, there are three types of Stamina Bread that restore 60, 120, and 180 (presumably) Stamina units. Currently, you can only purchase Mini Stamina Bread (60 units) for 50 Wyrmarrows (up to 4 units per day) or with real money in the “Store” under special offers.

The other two types of Stamina Bread are assumed to be obtainable only through gameplay. At least, I haven’t found a way to purchase these items by any means.

Best Way to Obtain Additional Stamina

The best way to acquire extra Stamina is to participate in events (hotkey “X“). Events are straightforward and require typical in-game activities: completing dungeons, tasks, winning in the Arena, and more.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

By earning event points, you progress through a reward chain, obtaining various useful items, including Stamina Bread. You can accumulate and spend it, for instance, to tackle more challenging events.

Efficient Stamina Expenditure

Your priority should be participating in in-game events to gain additional rewards. After completing them, I would recommend using Stamina to develop your heroes. In Dragonheir: Silent Gods, bosses have powerful resistances to different affinities. Therefore, you’ll need to develop a broad range of heroes to progress.

Accumulation is always an excellent long-term strategy. If you’re not in a hurry, it’s worth saving accumulated Stamina Breads for tackling more difficult events. This way, you’re guaranteed to claim all available rewards, further accelerating your progress.

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