How to Beat Scarab King Borgoth in RAID

Scarab King Borgoth

Scarab King Borgoth is a challenging boss in Doom Tower that can pose a problem for newcomers. However, the boss has a simple and clear vulnerability – his turn meter. If a player takes control of it with the appropriate heroes, the boss becomes completely harmless. In this short guide on defeating Scarab King, you will learn about two simple tactics that can be implemented with extremely budget-friendly teams.

What you need to know about Scarab King

Below are the key features of the boss that are important to know for victory over him:

  • If the boss is hit by heroes without a shield (regular or artifact shield) buff, he counterattacks and imposes provocation on heroes without a shield. In 99% of cases, this will mean the end of the battle.
    Easy Prey skill
  • Unlike other Doom Tower bosses, turn meter reduction effects work on Borgoth at full strength. Decrease Speed debuffs can be placed on the boss as well.
  • At the beginning of the battle, a special shield is placed on Scarab King, which can only be destroyed by reducing the boss’s maximum health.
    Spectral horror
    Initially, the shield reduces all incoming damage to the boss by 90%. If the maximum health is reduced by 10-20%, damage blocking by the shield decreases to 60%. 20-30% reduced health lowers damage blockage to 30%, and at 30% or more, it drops to zero.

Boss stats

This data was collected from a table provided by data miners after the Doom Tower release and may be outdated.














































































Key to victory over Scarab King

Considering the above-listed features of the boss, it is clear that his weak point is his turn meter. Therefore, to beat Scarab King in RAID, the team must strictly meet the following requirements:

  • All heroes must have a shield buff when attacking the boss. Situations where a hero attacks without a shield cannot be allowed.
  • The boss should not get a turn. To do this, apply a 30% Decrease Speed Debuff and constantly reduce his turn meter.
  • Reduce the boss’s maximum health using the appropriate artifact set (Destroy) equipped on the main damage dealer, or by using appropriate skills. To speed up the process, apply a 60% Decrease Defense and 25% Weaken debuff on Scarab King.

In addition, it is worth aiming to use heroes with ranged attacks due to their fast animations. The fact is that while melee heroes attack the boss under the shield, the path they run for the attack is quite short. However, after the shield is destroyed, heroes with melee attacks will start running much further, which will significantly affect the time it takes to beat the boss in the hard-mode Doom Tower.

Tactic #1: Hero with Shield Buff

The simplest tactic for victory over Scarab King involves using two level 50 Armigers and any hero capable of applying a shield with the shield duration equal to the skill’s cooldown (for example, a shield for 3 turns with a 3-turn skill cooldown). There are very few heroes with such a skill in RAID: Valkyrie, Miscreated Monster, and Metalshaper.


The best option is, of course, Valkyrie, but if you don’t have her, you can easily obtain Metalshaper from Ancient Shards. The fact that the hero is of low quality does not matter. The only thing required of them is to place shields for 2 turns with a 2-turn skill cooldown on a team.

The hero applying the shield buff to allies should be the fastest in the team. For example, if all heroes have a speed of 220-230, the buffer should have at least 231 speed. This way, they will always go first and apply the shield buff to the heroes in the team before they have a chance to attack Scarab King.

Visix's skill

Keep in mind the potential filling up of heroes’ turn meters from their own skills. For instance, Visix will steal 30% of the boss’s turn meter every time she performs a basic attack. This means that the buffer distributing shields should be at least 30% faster (Visix speed * 1.3 + 1) than Visix; otherwise, she will get a turn before him and trigger the boss’s counterattack.

An alternative way to achieve constant shields is to extend their duration using a hero with the appropriate skill (for example, Aniri or Lanakis; there is also Valerie that can be obtained in the campaign for free). Such a hero should be slightly slower than the buffer and extend the shields immediately after they are applied. In this case, any buffer applying shields for 2 turns with a 3-turn skill cooldown (for example, Mithrala) will suit the team.

increasing shield duration

However, keep in mind the high speed of the boss in hard-mode Doom Tower. The hero extending the shields’ duration will take up a slot in the team, meaning the others will have to reduce the boss’s turn meter much more actively. If you plan to farm Scarab King on stage 100 using this method, you will need to make your heroes very fast (250+ and I can’t guarantee the result). My speeds were sufficient to demonstrate this principle only on stage 30, and overall, I do not recommend copying this senseless approach.

In addition to the buffer, the team should have several heroes capable of actively and confidently reducing the boss’s turn meter. Two level 50 Armigers will be a good starting option. These heroes are required to attack Scarab King as often as possible with their basic skills, reducing his turn meter.

To apply a 30% Decrease Speed Debuff, which is indispensable when fighting Scarab King, Visix or Bloodfeather will be suitable. Note that both heroines are available to every player.

Finally, as the main damage dealer, a hero should be equipped with a set of Destroy artifacts or have a corresponding skill to reduce the target’s maximum health. Perhaps the most ideal option for this role is the epic heroine Ruella, who has everything needed to fight Borgoth (turn meter reduction on basic skill, 60% Decrease Defense debuff, 30% Decrease Speed debuff, and 25% Weaken debuff). Moreover, this heroine has Spirit affinity, and Scarab King can only have Force or Spirit affinity. Thus, the heroine will maintain her effectiveness in any Doom Tower rotation.


If you do not have such a heroine, there is a free alternative – Bloodfeather. This heroine can also reduce the turn meter and apply the necessary debuffs (except Weaken).

Vlad the Nightborn

Another good option is Vlad the Nightborn. Unlike his “colleagues,” this hero can only apply a 60% Decrease Defense debuff but reduces the target’s turn meter by a full 50% (from the current value) and has built-in maximum health reduction on his basic skill.

Shield artifact set

To achieve stable results in auto-mode, you can use the Shield artifact set. In my opinion, it is best to equip one of the Armigers with it. The size of the shields does not matter. What’s important is that they are on the characters at the beginning of the round, allowing your buffer to not necessarily apply shields on the first move. This approach was relevant when the auto-battle settings did not allow adjusting the heroes’ behavior for each round separately. With the current expanded settings added in one of the RAID updates, the shield from artifacts can be omitted. But remember that your buffer will need to apply shields on the first turn.

Bloodshield amulet

If you have problematic heroes (such as Visix), who start to outpace the buffer, you should speed up the buffer. However, since not everyone can afford a Valkyrie with 300+ speed, it makes sense to use a ring or amulet from the Bloodshield set, which will apply a shield to the hero with any attack. You can get such jewelry by participating in clan tournaments even in the lowest leagues. Be sure to save it, even if it is of low quality.

Examples of teams and principles for building an auto-battle preset

The general principle of the teams listed below is that one of the heroes (whether it be Bloodfeather, Visix, Armiger, or Vlad the Nightborn) should apply a 30% Decrease Speed debuff on Scarab King and start reducing his turn meter on the very first turn. The buffer should maintain shields on the team throughout the entire battle. Let’s look at a few examples.

  • Vlad, Visix, Valkyrie, 2 Armigers. This team will ensure you defeat the boss, but not for fast farming. In my case, it took about 15 minutes for the 100th stage. The process can be halved if you also equip Vlad with a Destroy artifact set. Valkyrie, as mentioned above, can be replaced with Miscreated Monster or Metalshaper.
    Vlad, Visix, Valkyrie, 2 Armigers
  • Ruella, Visix, Miscreated Monster, 2 Armigers. A good team that will quickly defeat Scarab King if you equip the heroes with powerful artifacts. Note that my Miscreated Monster is slower than Visix and Ruella, but due to the presence of Bloodshield set jewelry, it does not interfere with the heroines.
    Ruella, Visix, Miscreated Monster, 2 Armigers
  • Mithrala, Bloodfeather, Aniri, Alure, Armiger. Don’t forget about the heroine Alure, as she is the best at reducing turn meter. However, if the boss has Force affinity, her effectiveness will decrease significantly. This team works on extending Mithrala’s shields using Aniri’s second skill.
    Mithrala, Bloodfeather, Aniri, Alure, Armiger

Tactic #2 (best): Bloodshield Jewelry for the entire team

This tactic seems to be the most sensible in the current context of RAID: Shadow Legends. After all, obtaining Bloodshield jewelry is very easy. And even if it is not of the best quality, you only need 1 ring or amulet for each of the heroes. Moreover, you don’t even have to equip these accessories permanently or upgrade them (unless, of course, you plan to farm Scarab King constantly).

The essence of the tactic remains the same: all heroes must be under shields (now provided by the jewelry) and not give Scarab King the opportunity to take a turn by applying a 30% Decrease Speed debuff and constantly reducing his turn meter. Given that an additional slot in the team is freed up due to the lack of need for a buffer, defeating the boss will be extremely easy.

Example team

For example, you can take Ronda and Lanakis in the team, who will significantly speed up the process of passing.

You can also use, for example, Longbeard (or other heroes with team attack skills), the beloved Coldheart, Whisper, Ma’Shalled, and in general, any suitable heroes. In my case, the best result so far was achieved by Whisper paired with Lanakis. Considering the artifacts my damage dealers are equipped with (list of heroes below), experienced players will see that the boss’s passage can be sped up at least twice as much.

Heroes used in this guide


In fact, there is another tactic for defeating Scarab King in RAID. It involves using a hero who applies a shield to themselves and can reduce the boss’s maximum health. This tactic does not involve reducing Borgoth’s turn meter. Instead, the hero heals themselves using the Regeneration artifact set. Battles can last up to 40 minutes, which is why I highly do not recommend even considering this crazy method as an option.

If you have any questions about battling Borgoth in RAID: Shadow Legends, feel free to ask them in the comments below. I will try to help you to the best of my knowledge. Thank you for reading, and good luck in your endeavors.

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