12 Building Tips to Better Build in Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

The common misfortune of most sandbox game lovers is the lack of ideas for what to build and knowledge of how to build better. In this short guide, I will share with you a couple of simple tricks that will make your buildings more handsome immediately.

Practice with cheats

In order to start training, you should create an additional world. After that, enable console with F5, and enter the following commands: 

  • devcommands (enable cheats);
  • god (make you immortal);
  • fly (permit you to fly);
  • nocost (unlock all buildings and building parts and make them free to use).

You can now take a Hummer and start building something.

Valheim Mistlands

If you can’t open the console, you need to add the string “-console” to the “Launch Options” in the Steam game properties (LibraryRight Click on the gameProperties).

Game properties in steam

If you’re using a pirate version, add the same string to the desktop shortcut after the path to the exe-file and a space. 

Build in meadows near big water

The best biome to build a house is meadows. There are no dangerous enemies there, so you will be safe at the common time. Don’t forget that enemies can attack your buildings. Although, from time to time, groups of strong monsters will attack your base in any location.

Valheim Mistlands

Since you will spend a lot of time in boats, you should build your base near the sea. Afterwards, you will be able to build a dock with piers.

Valheim Mistlands

And it will be awesome if there are a few biomes on the island you choose. For example, I’ve chosen an island with all biomes except mistlands and ashlands, and you are recommended to do the same. It will make your gameplay much easier. Besides, you will be able to make a farm with boars, wolves, and loxes simultaneously without transporting animals from island to island.

Use pictures to come up with cool buildings

Valheim Mistlands

If your house looks like the one in the picture above, this is an essential tip for you. Just open Google, enter something like “fantasy house” or “elven magic house“, and look at the pictures. This will give you dozens of ideas for building something handsome.

Valheim Mistlands

Even your starting hut may look much better if you spend some time on decor. That’s what is this article about: decoration.

Build on a hill

Buildings placed on hills look taller. Besides, you will be able to build stairs and a few levels outside. This will make your house more handsome immediately.

Valheim Mistlands

Use a hoe to create a small hill. Keep in mind that the maximum height of your hill is 8 meters from the start land level. If you want to create a smooth ramp, level the ground with a hoe while holding the “Shift” key.

Valheim Mistlands

Mark contours and supports

Well, if you’re a beginner builder, your house will most likely look like the one in the picture below. Don’t worry, we will fix it.

Valheim Mistlands

First of all, you should create all the necessary supports to prevent some parts of your building from floating in the air. Thus, the building will look more realistic.

Valheim Mistlands

Then you should define contours using different beams. Pay special attention to the corners of the building, window frames, and railings.

Valheim Mistlands

It looks better, doesn’t it? Just remember that you don’t have to build everything exceptionally straight, exactly along the seams. If you build something that is not ideal, like in the picture below, no one will beat you with a stick 😃.

Valheim Mistlands

Avoid squares

The square shape is the simplest and therefore boring. Square buildings almost always look like a cheap barn. That’s why you should add more different shapes to make your house more handsome.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

You can build in the shape of a cross; you can build round shapes; you can build anything. The only problem is resources. You will need a lot of them to build something large and nice. Do you see how just one addition makes the house more beautiful 😲?

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Don’t be shy. Just add more shapes.

Add more windows

Windows make your house look better because they add some relief to the building. Your goal is to have no walls without windows.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

But it doesn’t necessarily mean that your windows must be square. Squares are boring, remember? So you can easily make something like a rhombus or an inclined frame. Why not? Let your fantasy create art.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Avoid flat surfaces

Any volume enhances the visual appeal of a house. And the first thing you need to enlarge is the roof. To be handsome, it should be wider by at least half a beam than the walls.

Valheim Mistlands

If it isn’t possible to expand the roof (for example, because the building is too high), try to make it wider visually by strengthening the contours.

Valheim Mistlands

You should also add volume whenever it’s possible. For example, the windows may have sills.

Valheim Mistlands

And how about balconies? Balconies are cool.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

And, of course, we will need several sheds so that the wooden parts are not damaged by rain.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Finally, we can add some small details to the walls to make them more… voluminous. Avoid flatness as much as possible.

Valheim Mistlands

Create a fantastic environment

Trees are important. They are able to create some kind of fantasy atmosphere. Along with houses, they look amazing on hills. And I have no doubt that you will like something like this.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

An environment also means a little dock with convenient access to boats and chests. I’ve decorated it with some furniture, but it’s built completely with the same principles: contours, railings, stairs, and even a pine tree in the background just above the water.

Valheim Mistlands

It’s also a small warehouse for wood and stone and a small flower bed under the windows.

Valheim Mistlands

Please note that nothing has a perfect shape. But in total, all these things add up to an awesome composition. Here are a small vegetable garden and a small path to the house.

Valheim Mistlands

And here are a small forge and a small boar farm.

Valheim Mistlands

Create a cozy interior inside

The first thing you need to do is build a kitchen with a chimney. In Valheim Mistlands, smoke can spread inside the building, so you won’t be able to breathe without smoke extraction. I’ve built a simple hood with a chimney on the roof.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

The next thing is an interior. Players often try to build large halls and arrange furniture along the walls. However, this isn’t required. In fact, a nice and cozy interior doesn’t need a lot of space.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

In the pictures above, you can see the fully working kitchen, the fully upgraded workbench and forge, and even a hot bath on the second floor. Remember that you don’t have to place all the workstations in one building. Thus, I’ve built a forge outside.

Add a variety of materials

Until then, we only used the simplest wooden materials. And this is what we have.

Valheim Mistlands

But there are a few more valuable materials in Valheim Mistlands. To build better, you should combine them with the wood. The fact is that it will be very expensive to build tall stone towers, or walls, or some fortresses. All these buildings require wood iron beams. Because iron is one of the most difficult resources to obtain, it is best to construct higher floors out of wood. 

Valheim Mistlands

When you build something using stone, it’s very important to avoid flat, boring surfaces. Stone blocks can imitate brickwork, for example.

Contrast is a very important thing as well. You should build your house using materials of different colors. And the greater the contrast between their colors, the more appealing your structure will appear. So, once we add a modern roof and some stone parts, including the foundation, the appearance of the house will be significantly changed.

Valheim Mistlands

One more thing that can add contrast to your composition is roads. Don’t ignore them, and always add a few near your house.

Valheim Mistlands

Start out small and expand as necessary

One of the biggest mistakes when building is to destroy everything and start over. Try to avoid this. As you may have noticed, I didn’t destroy my starting shed. On the contrary, I expand it to make a large apartment. 

Valheim Mistlands

If you will follow the tips in this small guide, it won’t be difficult for you to turn a square shed into a pretty house.

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Valheim Mistlands

Guys! If you build something cool using these tips, please leave a comment with a screenshot of your art. I will add it to the article as an example. Don’t forget to sign the picture. Good luck, and thanks for reading 😎.

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