How to Claim Victory in Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign

Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign

There are several ways to win in Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign. You can claim a minor victory if you specified its rules when creating a new campaign. But the main ways to win are to become the Emperor of the World, unlock all the possible kingdom advantages, or conquer the entire map.

Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign

Current objectives and rules to claim victory are accessible by clicking on the special icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Let’s consider each way in detail.

Minor Victory

You must specify the rules of minor victory when creating a new campaign. If you don’t, you will be able to win only by becoming the Emperor of the World, unlocking all the kingdom advantages, or conquering the entire map.

Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign

There are several rules for minor victory.

  • Greedy Kings. Collect a certain amount of gold in the kingdom’s treasury to win.
    Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign
  • Peasants Rush. You must capture a certain number of provinces and establish control over them.
    Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign
  • War for Goods. You will win if you ensure the production of a certain number of different goods.
    Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign
  • Destroy Kingdom. You must destroy a certain kingdom to gain victory. Your target will be selected randomly, but you can choose its size from “tiny” to “empire”.
    Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign

How to Become the Emperor of the World

You can claim victory by becoming the Emperor of the World. This way is the most difficult, since you have to get the support of all the kingdoms that are Great Powers.

Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign

Each kingdom has a certain weight of its vote. The differences between these weights will decide the fate of the vote. If you do not become the Emperor of the World after the vote, hostile kingdoms will declare war on yours. For this reason, you’re recommended to save the game before the attempt.

You can see the political position of each kingdom by hovering over it. This is also indicated by the color of the fame amount cell. To get the support of other kingdoms, you should gain as much fame as possible and improve your relationships with them.

How to Claim Victory by Unlocking Kingdom Advantages

To unlock kingdom advantages, you must produce different goods. There are as many as 8 available advantages in Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign. When you unlock all of them, you will be able to press “Claim Victory” and finish the game.

Knights of Honor: 2 Sovereign

Trade with other kingdoms can help you with this since most goods can be imported for gold to produce the ones that you can’t.

Conquer the Entire Map

Finally, you can win by conquering the entire map. But it’s very likely that you will get bored of doing it because the map is very large.

For now, those are the only ways to get victory in Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign 🤔.

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