How to improve opinions in Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign

Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign

Opinions are one of the most important things in Knights of Honor 2. Cultural power, trading income, mercenary hiring prices, and most other things depend on opinions. There are 5 social groups to consider the opinions of:


Crown authority increase cost (from +100 to -50)

Cost of bribing your knights for enemies (from -50 to +100)

Espionage defense (from -15 to +15)

Influence (from -20 to +20)

Stability (from -10 to 0)


Army morale (from -5 to +5)

Strength of “army revolt” plots (from +20 to -20)

Cost for hiring squads (from +50 to -25)

Hiring cost and upkeep for mercenaries (from +50 to -20)

Stability (from -10 to 0)


Merchant trade income (from -50 to +20)

Profit from colonies (from -50 to +20)

Corruption (from +20 to 0)

Espionage defense (from -5 to +5)

Influence (from -20 to +10)


Religion points income (from 0 to +10)

Book income (from 0 to +10 per cleric)

Cultural power (from -25 to +25)

Army morale (from -3 to +3)

Chance for heresy to spread (from +100 to -50)

Cost for autocephaly (from +100 to -50)

Stability (from -15 to 0)


Stability (from -10 to +5)

Food income in all provinces (from -25 to +25)

Morale of peasant and militia squads (from -5 to +5)

Population growth in all provinces (from -20 to +20)

The opinion of each social group can range from -10 to +10 points. If you don’t deserve positive opinions, the kingdom will be weak; its incomes will be low; its armies will be demoralized; and so on. There are different ways to increase the opinions of each social group, and that’s what this small guide is about.

How to improve Nobility opinion

  • Assign to a diplomat task “Improve opinions“. This will facilitate opinion growth depending on your actions.
  • Don’t make political decisions that can hurt the kingdom. For example, not to declare wars without good reasons.
  • Celebrate the births of royal children. When you receive a message about a baby’s birth, select the “Hold a feast” option. This will cost gold, but the nobility’s and the peasantry’s opinions will increase.
  • Keep the kingdom’s treasury full and the kingdom’s gold income positive.
  • Release the captured lords. If your kingdom is at peace with the kingdom of those lords, Nobility opinion will be improved.

How to improve Army opinion

  • Provide force defense for your kingdom by building and developing military infrastructure. Maintain a high level of kingdom military power.
  • Win in wars and on the battlegrounds.
  • Maintain enough squads’ supplies and a positive food income. If the army is starving, its opinion will be deteriorating.

How to improve Merchants opinion

  • Build the infrastructure for the production of goods.
  • Maintain a high level of kingdom stability.
  • Develop external trade relations. You can assign a merchant to trade with certain kingdoms. With time, gold income from this trade will be growing. Do not break such a relationship! Otherwise, the opinion of Merchants will be significantly reduced (sometimes by as much as -5 points).

How to improve Clergy opinion

  • Use a cleric to spread your religion throughout your lands. Do not allow the spreading of foreign religions in your kingdom.
  • Assign to a cleric the appropriate mission called “Appease Clergy” (or a similar one for other religions). Thus, you will have a chance to improve the clergy’s opinion.
  • Build religious infrastructure.
  • Fight against enemies of your religion (Christ’s enemies, for example).

How to improve Peasantry opinion

  • Ensure the protection of your villages and towns from enemy armies.
  • If rebels appear on your territory, fight against them to prevent their attack on your settlements.
  • Celebrate the births of royal children. When you receive a message about a baby’s birth, select the “Hold a feast” option. This will cost gold, but the nobility’s and the peasantry’s opinions will increase.

If you know some other methods to improve opinions in Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign, please inform us about them in the comments, and they will be added to the article. Thanks for reading! 😎

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