Ultimate Enlisted Guide for Newcomers


Enlisted is a unique World War II shooter where each player controls not only their character, but also a squad of bot allies. The bots always follow the player in battle and fight against enemy players and bots. You can switch between bots during the fight, playing as any of them. This is perhaps the most positive aspect of the gameplay, but there are also downsides.

For example, there are several campaigns in the game, each using different squads. This means that you won’t be able to use 1 improved squad in all campaigns, and personally, I did not like this aspect of the game. Another downside is the excessively long game sessions, which can sometimes last 30+ minutes. In this Enlisted guide for newcomers, I will explain the main game mechanics to you.

Game Modes “Tutorials” and “Practice”

The game includes built-in tutorial modes that will help you understand how to control squads, tanks, airplanes, and various types of weapons.

  1. Press the “Game Mode” button right above the “Start” button.
  2. Select the “Tutorials” mode and go through the training.

Each tutorial takes about 5-10 minutes. It’s not a very fun activity, but this way you will quickly learn everything important. Also, pay attention to the “Practice” mode, where you can practice shooting with different types of weapons.

Choosing a Campaign

Several campaigns are available in the game. Each campaign has its own game maps and different starting squads. This means that by changing the campaign, you will be playing with different squads on different maps.


Each campaign has its own chain of rewards, which unlock as you progress through the campaign. To view the rewards for the current campaign, click “Campaign” in the top game menu.


Among the rewards you will receive are military vehicles, premium squads, improved squads with new types of weapons, and more. To unlock all this, you just need to participate in battles and earn campaign experience. Note that the Allies and Axis campaigns have different reward chains, and you can switch between them at the top of the screen. You can switch campaigns by going to the appropriate section from the “Soldiers” screen.


Newcomers may ask which campaign to choose? Any that you like. You can change it at any time. Try all campaigns and familiarize yourself with their reward chains to know what types of weapons and squads will become available after upgrading the campaign.

Squad Management

Squad management takes place in the “Soldiers” section. In each campaign, a player can play for the Allies or the Axis. You can switch between them at any time.


A squad is a group of soldiers that the player will control in battle: the player will act as one soldier himself, while the others will accompany him under the control of artificial intelligence.


In each campaign, each player can have up to 6 squads: 4 slots are available to everyone, and premium account owners get 2 additional slots. You can manage squads by pressing the corresponding button in the interface.


New squads can be purchased with Enlisted Gold (donation currency) or received for leveling up the campaign.


Squads differ from each other in the number of personnel, weaponry, and method of use in battle. For example, there are infantry squads, and there are squads that represent a tank crew (vehicles always come with such squads – you won’t have to buy them separately).


By selecting a squad on the panel, you can find out its maximum number of personnel and the maximum number of each class of soldiers that are included in it.


For example, the 5th Pioneer Battalion can consist of a maximum of 4 soldiers and contain up to 4 Rifleman and a maximum of 1 Engineer.

Classes, Ranks and Soldier Perks

There are 12 soldier classes in Enlisted.

  • Rifleman. An ordinary infantryman, armed with an infantry rifle.
  • Assaulter. An infantryman, armed with an automatic rifle or submachine gun.
  • Tanker. A member of the tank crew. Carries light firearms like a pistol.
  • Sniper. Armed with a sniper rifle and can use optical sights.
  • Engineer. Can be armed with various weapons. Always carries a Construction Hammer, which he can use to build fortifications, soldier respawn points, and other useful structures.
  • Fighter Pilot. A fighter plane pilot.
  • AT Gunner. A soldier, armed with anti-tank weapons (such as a bazooka).
  • Machine Gunner. A heavy infantryman, armed with a machine gun.
  • Radio Operator. Having this class of soldier in a squad allows the player to call artillery fire on a designated area of the front.
  • Attacker pilot. An attacker plane pilot.
  • Mortarman. An artilleryman for shooting from mortars.
  • Flametrooper. A soldier armed with a flamethrower.

Not all soldier classes are available to the player initially. Most will gradually unlock as the campaign level increases. Using the “Change Soldiers” button, you can change the composition of each of your available squads by adding new soldiers to them.


For this, there must be available soldiers in the reserve, otherwise, the list will be empty.


Each soldier also has a rank (I-V) and a set of perks. The higher the rank, the more perks a soldier can have. New perks unlock as experience is gained, and a soldier’s rank can be increased with an Order for Troops.


By pressing the “Available Perks” button, you can view all the perks available in the game.


As squads level up, they earn Squad Points, which can be spent in the “Upgrades” section. Each squad has three upgrade trees: Squad upgrades, Personnel upgrades, and Workshop upgrades.


First and foremost, you should acquire upgrades that increase the experience gained by the squad (the Squad upgrades section), as this will significantly speed up the acquisition of all other skills.


In this section, you can purchase weapons, equipment, squads, and more using Orders of Weaponry and Orders of Troops.


This special game currency can be earned by completing tasks and participating in battles. Note that Allies and Axis have different stores in the “Logistics” section, and you can switch between them.

Tasks, Achievements and Battle Pass

Right above the game mode selection button is the “Weekly tasks” button.


Clicking on it will take you to a list of tasks available to you, for which you can receive useful rewards. Note that tasks are time-limited, meaning they will change in the future.


Next to «Weekly Tasks» is the «Achievements» tab, where your achievements are located. By achieving these, you will be rewarded with Orders of Weaponry and Orders of Troops of silver and gold quality.


The game also features a Battle Pass, and its “battle tasks” are displayed right in the “Soldiers” section.


You will receive rewards both for completing these tasks and for progressing through the Battle Pass itself.


The most valuable rewards, of course, are located at the very end of the Battle Pass.

Playing Enlisted: Battle Leadership Training

If you want to play for a specific side, and not for any, you can disable the “Join any team” option, which is right under the server selection button.


In general, battles in Enlisted are divided into two types: you need to either capture enemy points on the map, or hold your own. It’s also important to destroy the enemy, as victory comes when the enemy team runs out of reinforcement points and loses the ability to deploy soldiers on the battlefield.


In a specific example, the task of my team is to hold 5 points, as they are marked in blue. Points are captured sequentially: first, the enemy must capture the first point, then the location of the next one opens up, and the allies must defend it. The battle lasts until the enemy captures all the points or one of the sides loses all its troops (reinforcement points).


First and foremost, I need to remind you of important controls.

  • In battle, you can quickly switch between your soldiers using the “Y” key.
  • With “Ctrl” you can crouch, and with “Z” – lie down. The bot-allies in your squad will try to mimic your style of combat.
  • With the “5” key, you can select a special tool if it is equipped with a specific soldier (for example, a grenade).
  • With the “M” key, you can open the map to check the situation on the battlefield.

To capture points, the enemy must be within the radius of these points for a certain amount of time. Therefore, your task (as the defending side) is very clear: do not let the enemy get inside the control point and actively destroy his personnel.


At the same time, it is highly undesirable to be inside the control point yourself, as enemy aircraft and artillery will periodically bomb it. Surviving in the epicenter of such bombing is simply unrealistic.

It’s best to start a battle with tank or engineering squads. A tank squad will allow you to repel enemy troops and counteract their tank squads. The engineer’s task is to build additional respawn points and fortifications in the most convenient places. Players will be able to spawn their squads on these points.


To build, you need to choose an engineer soldier, get to a good place, select a Construction Hammer with the “2” key, and build a Respawn Point. Where to build depends on the specific situation on the map. Usually, points are built in buildings on the 2nd floor and higher, so it’s harder for the enemy to get to them. Windows and doors on the enemy side can be fortified with barbed wire and sandbags.


I built my point right in the trench on the western flank at the very edge of the map. Since the enemy will always try to encircle your team, this is a good way to counteract his attacks from the flanks. To make it clearer, I drew the directions of flank attacks on the map for you schematically, as well as marked the approximate boundaries of the game zone.


Thus, engineering squads can be seen as an element of strategic gameplay, as the location of respawn points, fortifications, and ammo boxes will largely determine the outcome of the battle.

Based on the same considerations (not to let the enemy encircle your team from the flanks or capture the control point), our game tasks become clear. We just need to see which flank has the fewest allies and spawn our squad on that flank to defend it.


At the same time, it’s important to keep an eye on the control point to prevent its storming by the enemy if necessary. If you play for the attacking side, your task is to join the assault on a certain flank by allies and break through it with the aim of capturing the point and / or taking advantageous positions.


In my opinion, the sniper is one of the most effective troop classes for the defending side, and the assaulter is for the attacking side. I would like to note separately that you can pick up the weapons of fallen soldiers on the battlefield and freely use them.


Otherwise, there is nothing complicated in Enlisted gameplay: you just shoot enemies, defend allied positions and control points, or capture them.

Battle Tips for Beginners

  • Change positions after each complete destruction of an enemy squad. When you kill an enemy player, your position is highlighted for them. This means that when they spawn the next squad again, they will already know where you are and can easily shoot you down by taking a position advantageous for themselves.
  • Defend the flanks. The enemy will always try to get to the control point from the flanks. You need to defend them, otherwise with each such flank attack, the allied team will suffer significant losses of personnel, which will significantly increase the chances of defeat. Strive to defend those flanks where there are the fewest allies.
  • Attack from the flanks. As the attacking side, attack control points from the flanks and actively exterminate the enemy team’s personnel. If you have an aviation squad – strike a bombing run on the control point to destroy fortifications and enemy soldiers. If you have a tank squad – try to break through the defense with a frontal attack on the control point. With infantry squads, try to storm the flank where there are the most allies. This will increase the chances of breaking through the enemy’s defense, getting to them from the flank, and inflicting heavy personnel losses with subsequent capture of the control point.
  • As an engineer, actively build fortifications. Build additional respawn points on the right and left flanks. Strengthen windows and doors on the enemy side with barbed wire to make it harder for enemy soldiers to climb into the building. Set up ammo boxes so your allies can replenish their ammunition. Build anti-tank hedgehogs to block the passage for enemy armored vehicles.
  • As much as possible, destroy the enemy’s personnel. The best option for a beginner is a sniper. You can take a comfortable position and shoot enemies from a very long distance. However, hide to reload after each shot. Remember that enemy snipers will also be shooting at you.



Overall, these are all the key aspects of Enlisted game that are worth considering in this beginner’s guide. Of course, there are other mechanics and many nuances in the game, but the information outlined in this guide will be more than enough to turn an absolute novice into a conscious fighter with clear goals and tasks in each gaming session. If you have additional questions, you can ask them in the comments. Based on my gaming experience, I will try to help you.

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