Undawn Infiltration Guide


The special mode “Infiltration” is available only to players who are part of a camp. “Infiltration” is a PVP mode that involves penetrating the homes of players in the enemy camp and destroying the “Territory Locker” (a black safe present in every player’s home that cannot be dismantled). In this short Undawn infiltration guide, you will learn how to properly infiltrate a player’s home in the enemy camp and how to defend your own home from infiltration.

How to Start an Infiltration Mission

The Infiltration mission is available at specific hours (in my case, from 10:00 to 23:50; you can confirm the time with NPC Dave Conner). To start the mission, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Camp Area.
  2. Approach NPC Dave Conner (Commander Infiltrating the enemy camp).
  3. Purchase a Decryption Card, as well as several Sticky Bombs and Climbing Ropes from him.
  4. Select the Decryption Card in your inventory and activate it.
  5. After that, talk to NPC Dave Conner and choose the “Infiltrate” option in the dialogue with him.

Once this is done, the mission will be initiated, and you will be transported to the territory of the enemy camp. Read the following section of the guide carefully to know exactly what awaits you there.

Infiltration Mission Process

As soon as your character appears in the territory of the enemy camp, players from that camp can attack you. If your character dies, the mission will fail, so you must act quickly.


You can use the Decryption Card to infiltrate the home of any player. To do this, simply approach the gates and select the “Crack Door” option.


Keep in mind that the smaller the home, the easier it will be to find the Territory Locker, which players usually hide well from uninvited guests. This is important because when you infiltrate a player’s home in the enemy camp, they may come to defend their home, bringing along a couple of friends. The faster you find and destroy the Territory Locker, the less likely you are to encounter players from the enemy camp.


Additionally, the enemy player’s home may (and most likely will) be protected with Machine Gun Turrets, Electric Traps, and Pulse Mines. Players typically place all their defenses in the yard, so you must be prepared for the turret’s barrage from all sides as soon as you open the gates. All the mentioned defense elements can be destroyed – just shoot at them.

Your main task is to find the Territory Locker and destroy it. The Territory Locker looks like a black safe that is present in every home and cannot be placed in storage. However, the Territory Locker may be located on upper floors or the roof, where the enemy player deliberately didn’t build a staircase. This is where Sticky Bombs and Climbing Ropes will come in handy.

Select the Sticky Bomb in your inventory and attach it to the ceiling to explode and create a hole.


Then use the Climbing Rope to climb through the created hole to the next floor.


Once you locate the Territory Locker, proceed to destroy it. You will obtain a Defense Map, which you must deliver to NPC Dave Conner. Leave the enemy home’s territory as quickly as possible.


Your next objective is evacuation. Open the map and head to the evacuation point near the Bayside District.


You must arrive there using transportation as “teleporting” in the “Infiltration” mode is not possible. Call a helicopter, and it will arrive in 15 seconds.


When the helicopter arrives, board it and fly away. The mission is complete.


Now all that’s left is to bring the Defense Map you obtained during the process to NPC Dave Conner and claim your reward.

How to Protect Your Homestead from Infiltration

If you don’t have a Camp Homestead (only an Outpost Homestead), no one can infiltrate your home.

Passive defenses (Machine Gun Turrets, Electric Traps, and Pulse Mines) can be purchased using Camp Contribution in the EscMarketContribution ShopHomestead Defense section.


However, keep in mind that during the early and mid-stages of the game, focusing on purchasing defenses for your homestead may not be sensible. It is more beneficial to spend Camp Contribution on Camp Skills to strengthen your character.

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