Guide to Guilds in SpaceBourne 2: How and Why to Join Guilds

SpaceBourne 2

In SpaceBourne 2, there are several guilds that a player can join. After joining, the player can level up their rank in each guild separately by engaging in corresponding activities in the game. Guilds provide access to the purchase of epic and legendary items, which are much more powerful than those usually sold in terminals. Some guilds also allow you to obtain unique equipment and ships that cannot be acquired in any other way.

Which guilds are in SpaceBourne and what do they do?

Below is a list of guilds that I have compiled based on my gaming experience. I haven’t finished the game yet, so the information may be incomplete. All guilds can be accessed in the “U” → “Guilds” tab.

  • Freelancers Guild. To join, the player must complete a simple task. The guild provides access to the “Galaxy Web” → “Looking For Pilot” dashboard, where the player can choose any contracts they like and earn experience/game currency. Contracts involve spaceship battles in space and are selected based on your Pilot class level. To level up the guild rank, you must complete contracts from its dashboard. Levelling up the guild rank grants access to epic and legendary ship weapons. It is recommended to level up this guild first, as it will significantly simplify the gameplay.
  • Mercenary Guild. To join, the player must complete a simple task. The guild provides access to the “Galaxy Web” → “Looking For Mercenary” dashboard, where the player can choose any contracts they like and earn experience/game currency. Contracts involve planetary battles (in character mode using firearms). To level up the guild rank, you must complete contracts from its dashboard. Levelling up the guild rank grants access to epic and legendary items.
  • Bounty Hunters Guild. To join, the player must complete a simple task. The guild provides access to the “Galaxy Web” → “Bounty Board” dashboard, where the player can choose a space criminal with a high bounty and start tracking them. Battles take place in space, and opponents are often very strong. TY currency is awarded as a reward. To level up the guild rank, you must complete contracts from its dashboard. It is not recommended for beginners.
  • Miners Guild. The player can join the guild immediately, without any prerequisites or tasks. The guild provides access to the purchase of special mining ships for mining ore from asteroids in space and components for them. The player also receives a free Misc Beam, which can be used to mine ore in character control mode from both asteroids and planets. Read more about this in the full ore mining guide in SpaceBourne 2. To level up the guild rank, you must mine ore. It is not recommended for beginners, as it requires a lot of time to level up. In the current version of the game, it only makes sense to start levelling up the miners’ guild when the character already has a highly levelled Coordination (Adventurer class).
  • Explorers Guild. To join, the player must complete a simple task. The guild provides access to unique signal detectors for probes. The second rank in the guild allows you to detect Space Anomalies, and the third rank – Wormholes. To level up the guild rank, you must engage in research using probes that can be installed on a ship at any station. It is not recommended for beginners, as the process is not the simplest. Moreover, the research mechanics contain many bugs.
  • The Brotherhood. A secret guild that can only be joined after receiving an invitation through the storyline. Not much is known about the guild yet, but more information will be available soon.

How to join a guild

  1. Press “U” and go to the “Guilds” tab. Here you will see a list of all available guilds for the player at the current stage of the game.
    SpaceBourne 2
  2. Next to each guild, there is a “Closest Branch” line, which indicates the nearest system with a station of the corresponding guild.
  3. To find this system, open the atlas (M) and enter the full name or system number in the “Search Engine” window (the function is available on the bottom panel).
    SpaceBourne 2
  4. After that, reach the system through the star gates and visit the guild’s space station.
    SpaceBourne 2
  5. Right across the entrance inside each guild is the registration room. Talk to the NPC inside and say that you want to become a member of the guild.
    SpaceBourne 2
  6. If any task is required to join, it will be offered to the player; if not, you will become a member of the guild immediately.

Which guild to level up first

As mentioned above, it’s best to start leveling the Freelancers Guild and upgrade it to the third rank. At the second rank, you’ll be able to purchase epic weapons for your ships at the guild stations, and with the third rank – legendary ones.

SpaceBourne 2

Having such weaponry will significantly ease your gameplay, as even epic weapons surpass ordinary ones (from the regular market) in effectiveness by 1.5-3 times!

How to level up a guild quickly

Here are some tips that will help you level up guilds faster.

  • Quick leveling of Freelancers Guild. Use a light and fast ship with the Cloak perk. If the ship also has the Multi Missile perk, it will be perfect. This will allow you to easily evade enemy fire in battle and destroy opponents very quickly. Additionally, you’ll be able to travel faster to distant star systems while completing contracts. Keep in mind that drones can see the ship even during the Cloak perk’s effect (whether it’s a bug or a feature is unclear).
    SpaceBourne 2
  • Quick leveling of Mercenary Guild. You’ll also need a fast ship (in terms of warp speed) to quickly get to the contract locations. You can confidently take the most profitable tasks, as the bots in planetary battles are frankly weak. At least in the current version of the game.
    SpaceBourne 2
  • Quick leveling of Bounty Hunters Guild. The tips are the same as for the freelancers guild, but take the cheapest contracts instead. Expensive contracts will mean encountering very strong enemies that you are unlikely to defeat.
    SpaceBourne 2
  • Quick leveling of Miners Guild. You must mine ore quickly if you want to level up this guild. To speed up ore mining, you need a leveled up Coordination skill from the Adventurer class. The Adventurer class levels up very slowly, so first, you need a perk from the Intelligence skill, which adds 30% of any experience gained by the player to the Adventurer class. This is the only way to level it up at an acceptable pace.
    SpaceBourne 2
  • Quick leveling of Explorers Guild. You must search for signals in every system you visit using probes. At first, this may seem difficult, but once you get the hang of it, it will become routine.
    SpaceBourne 2

In the current version of this guide, the information is incomplete. The guide will be updated as I progress through the game. Please do not be upset, as studying the mechanics takes time, and there are a vast number of them in SpaceBourne 2.

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