Palia World Navigation Guide: Fast Travel, Parkour, Rock Climbing


In the MMORPG Palia, there is a somewhat unusual system of world navigation. It differs from its counterparts in other games, which can easily confuse newcomers. In this brief guide, I will tell you all about how to navigate the world of Palia quickly and enjoyably.

Fast Travel

In Palia’s locations, there are special points for fast travel. They are marked on the map with a horseshoe icon. You can move between these points for a small fee in gold.


For example, teleporting home will cost 10 Gold, while teleporting from Kilima to Bahari will cost 25 Gold.


Note that once every 30 minutes, you can teleport home for free using the “Return Home” button, accessible through the map (M).


Parkour and Flying

Everything you need to know about parkour in Palia is that it is absent. The character lacks any advanced parkour animations (such as jumping over low fences). All they can do is jump in place.


However, when falling from a great height, your character doesn’t die; they simply perform a roll, like a true Yamakasi.


After completing the “Like a Bird” quest, you will receive a Glider that allows you to glide instead of falling. Calling this full-fledged flight is difficult, but nonetheless, with its help, you can cover quite large distances. The Glider is activated by pressing Space while falling.

Rock Climbing

The mechanics of rock climbing in Palia are not immediately obvious to newcomers. The mere lack of knowledge about its existence will slow down your movement through the world and raise many questions.


In Palia, you can climb almost any vertical rock surface, quite high, like a spider-human. To start climbing a rock, simply jump onto it (Space), or run towards it. The climbing mode is activated automatically.

To stop climbing, press «, and your character will simply jump down.


Pay attention to the green stamina bar that appears during climbing – it represents your stamina reserves. Once stamina is depleted, the character will automatically jump down. Stamina is consumed when making any movements while climbing.


Controlling your character while climbing is not difficult:

  • W – climb upwards,
  • Space – upward lunge,
  • A / D – move sideways,
  • A / D + Space – lunge in the corresponding direction,
  • S – climb downwards,
  • S + Space – push off from the rock and jump backward,
  • X – simply jump down.

Travel Between Regions

The small world of Palia consists of separate regions, which you can move between using special points.


For example, at the eastern edge of the Kilima region’s map, there is a transition point to the Bahari region.

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