Undawn Storage Management Guide


Every Undawn player accumulates a vast array of different items. To store these items in the game, various pieces of furniture called “Store” are used. In this short guide, I will teach you all the intricacies of working with storages, which can save you a lot of time.

How to store items and increase storage capacity

To store items, you need to place a special piece of furniture called “Store” in your Homestead. This is created using the Construction Workbench. Navigate to the FurnitureStore section, as shown in the screenshot. Here, you’ll find all the available blueprints for storage furniture.

Undawn, Walnut Wood Corner Bookshelf

Click on the icon of any blueprint to find out the storage capacity (number of slots) for each storage unit. For example, in my case, the best available storage option is the Walnut Wood Corner Bookshelf, which adds a whopping 35 slots for item storage.

After crafting the storage unit you need, simply place it anywhere in your Homestead. In the game, storage units operate as a single network: interacting with any of your storage units grants you access to all of your storage units simultaneously.

Undawn, Walnut Wood Corner Bookshelf

You can hide the 3D model of any storage unit by selecting the “Hide Entities” option in its interface. The storage unit’s mesh will disappear from your Homestead, but the storage unit itself will still be accessible in the storage list. If you deactivate the “Hide Entities” option, you will automatically switch to the construction mode and must place the corresponding furniture item somewhere.

Undawn, the "Hide Entities" option

To increase storage capacity, build more large-capacity storage units and hide them if they disrupt your decor. There is no other way to do it at the moment.

Storage Features

Storage units have a number of useful features that every Undawn player should be aware of.


Click “Sort” to organize items in the selected storage unit and in your inventory.


Cabinet Preview / Single Cabinet

Click “Cabinet Preview” to view a consolidated, sorted list of items from all available storage units. Click on the filter icon to choose one or several item types to display.


Click “Single Cabinet” to return to the regular mode.


Click on the search field to open the search interface. It’s best to perform a search in “Cabinet Preview” mode, in which the search results will display the list of found items, rather than the list of storage units containing them.


In the “Search by category” tab, you’ll find a list of all the items in your storage units. You can simply select the desired item type and click “Search.”


In the “Search by name” tab, you can search within the “Search by category” section, after which you can select the found item type in the results list and click “Search” to locate the item in the storage unit. The item’s name must be entered exactly as it appears in the game (including case sensitivity).


Quick Store

Be cautious when using this feature if you don’t want to accidentally store all your items in random storage units and then have to search for them. You need to configure this feature correctly first.


Click “Set Cabinet” to open the settings for the “Quick Storage” function.


After configuring, to quickly move items into storage units, press the “Quick Storage” button.

Cabinet Area

If you select “All Cabinets” mode, when you press “Quick Storage,” the system will attempt to distribute items from your inventory to ALL available storage units.


In “Current Cabinet Only” mode, the “Quick Storage” function will store your items only in the specific selected storage unit.

Storage Rules

The names of the modes in this option speak for themselves. If you choose “Automatically fills an empty cabinet space when there is no other item with the same name” mode, when you press “Quick Storage,” ALL items from your inventory will be placed in the storage unit. If “Current Cabinet Only” is active, items will only fill the currently selected cabinet. In “All Cabinets” mode, items from your inventory will be placed in any available storage unit’s empty slots.


In “You must have an item with the same name in the cabinet to make the deposit” mode, when you press “Quick Storage,” only items already present in the storage unit will be stored.

Quick store by resource type

At the time of writing this guide, this option is not working correctly. It is intended for disabling the “Quick Store” function for specific types of items, such as “Equipment.” Currently, this feature is not functioning (at least on PC).


Rename and set an icon

Select any storage unit in the list and click on the ellipsis icon “”. Select “Rename” from the menu that appears.


In the interface that opens, you can specify the storage unit’s name (only the first 5 characters are displayed) and set a cabinet mark (icon) that will be displayed next to the name.


You can use the icon of any item already contained in the selected storage unit as the mark.

Adjust Order

You can rearrange storage units in the list to arrange them in the desired order. Select any storage unit in the list and click on the ellipsis icon “”. Select “Adjust Order” from the menu that appears.


Click the yellow double-arrow to place the selected storage unit nearby.


Useful Tips for Efficient Storage Use

  • How can I find out how many of a particular resource I have in total if they are in different storage units? Switch to “Cabinet Preview” mode and select the “Resources” filter to hide any other items. You can also find any specific resource through a search.
  • What should I do with too many cabinets and refrigerators? Hide them using the “Hide Entities” function, as detailed above.
  • How can I avoid chaos in my storage units? Create one or several storage units for each specific item type (e.g., one for resources and another for equipment). During refining raw materials, always take them into your inventory and then move them to the appropriate storage units using the Quick Storage function.

If you have any questions or something to add, feel free to write comments below this post. Let your fridges always be full 😁.

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  • Andrea

    I will read carefully this post cause my storage is messy disaster. I waist space and dont have exactly an idea what I have already.

    If im not wrong it does exist a bug or anyway a mechanism of game, that playing with storage raw resources in backup, allows you to collect resources u actually need in badweather event. Everything that speed up times is wellcome in this game lol, without tricks and above all order with resources crafting takes years, cause after miss something need gathering manually and so on .

    • Kianl
      Reply to Andrea

      Hello. Not sure what exactly you mean by “playing with storage raw resources in backup”. However, it is possible to switch districts. To do this, you need to teleport to Raven Shelter and open the map. In the upper right corner, you can select another district, and then re-collect resources from pickups. I don’t know about other similar mechanics yet. Additionally, raw materials (before refining) cannot be placed in storage.

      • Andrea
        Reply to Kianl

        No.. I know that thanks to you basically, same day mention that trick of switch district in my guild chat too, I was meaning something else but I should find again the video and test it, I’m not sure is working

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