How to Get Gold Weapon in Undawn Quickly and Easily

Gold Weapon in Undawn

A “Gold” weapon in Undawn is the highest “legendary” (yellow) quality weapon, which has much higher stats than the “rare” and “epic” counterparts. Such a weapon can be crafted using the Workbench with a 5% chance (15% for epic and 80% for rare).

The easiest way to get a Gold weapon in Undawn is simply to buy it from other players in the “Trade” section. However, I strongly recommend against doing this. In this post, you will not only learn how to guarantee the creation of a legendary weapon practically for free but also how to earn gold through crafting such weapons.

The Crafting Failure Compensation System (the famous “15 attempts”)

Not too long ago (in late summer 2023), players discovered the Crafting Failure Compensation System in Undawn. Its essence is that if you make 14 crafting attempts of the same item (weapon or equipment) and don’t get a Gold-quality item, on the 15th attempt, you will guaranteedly receive this item in legendary quality. I personally tested this system, and it really works.


Here’s what you need to know:

  1. You should craft only one specific item (e.g., M32 Grenade Launcher).
  2. The time between attempts doesn’t matter: you can craft once every 5 minutes or once every 10 days.
  3. Crafting any other item will reset the compensation counter (for example, if you craft 5 “rare” rifles and then start crafting armor, the compensation counter for rifles will reset to 0, and you will have to start 15 attempts again). This does not apply to items without quality levels, such as scopes, materials, and more.

From my experience, getting a “legendary” item on the 15th attempt is quite rare.

How to Craft Gold Weapons Correctly and Profitably

Firstly, if you plan to earn through crafting, you should buy all possible Rare Metal (used for crafting weapons) and Equipment Crafting Crates (with a 50% chance of containing Rare Metal) from all available sources every week:

  • Store → Great Value → Growth Materials: You can purchase 30 Rare Metal per week for only 60 RC. The best investment for players with limited donations.
  • Store → Gold → Growth Materials: 20 Equipment Crafting Crates can be bought for 500 gold.
  • Store → Exclusive Shop → Weekly Card Shop / Monthly Card Shop (only for owners of weekly and monthly cards, respectively): 20 Equipment Crafting Crates can be purchased for 400 gold.
  • Market → Combat → Materials: 20 Equipment Crafting Crates can be bought for 500 Combat Points.
  • Any other possible sources.

Remember that Rare Metal is the most valuable resource in this game because you can earn a lot of gold with it.

Secondly, before you start crafting, make sure that the specific weapon you intend to create is genuinely cheaper to craft than to buy. For this, you will need a calculator and some patience.

So, let’s say we want to create a “legendary” MPX Submachine Gun, which can currently be bought for 235k gold and for 22k gold in an epic variant.


Taking into account current material prices (in my case, it’s 400-600 gold, and you should check prices yourself), each attempt will require 25 units of materials * ~500 gold = 12,500 gold (excluding Rare Metal).


As we are smart people, we’ll assume the worst scenario, where we succeed in creating the weapon only on the 15th attempt. This would mean we spent 15 * 12,500 = 187,500 gold and saved 235,000 – 187,500 = 47,500 gold compared to buying the weapon.


Moreover, during the crafting process, we will guarantee to get 2-3 MPX Submachine Guns of “epic quality,” which we can sell for 20-25k gold each. So, in the worst scenario, we save 47,500 + 2 * 20,000 = 87,500 gold, and in the best scenario, 47,500 + 3 * 25,000 = 122,500 gold. Thus, we get a “legendary” weapon at half the price compared to the “Trade” section.

If you manage to sell the created MPX for, say, 220k gold (slightly cheaper than the competitor), then in the worst of the scenarios, you will earn: 220,000 (gold weapon) + 87,500 (epic weapons) – 187,500 (crafting costs) = 120,000, and in the best scenario, 220,000 + 122,500 – 187,500 = 155,000.

However, as I mentioned earlier, in practice, we often get a gold weapon within the first 10 crafting attempts, so on average, the profit will be 30-40% higher. It all depends on your luck.

What Weapons are Worth Crafting and Why it Works

Any product is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it. Demand creates supply, monopolies drive up prices, while competition tends to lower them. These are universal economic laws that apply to the in-game market in Undawn as well.


If you are crafting a gold weapon for personal use, you can confidently craft any, and it will be guaranteed to be more cost-effective than buying it with gold from other players.

If you are crafting gold weapons for sale to earn gold:

  1. Craft Heavy Weapons. Each attempt requires a lot of Rare Metal, so the supply on the market is highly limited. Consequently, heavy weapons are always highly valued and bring in significant profits.
  2. Craft unpopular weapons. This applies to everything except the AK-47 in general. For example, you can craft AK-15, CZ762, or SVD. You should have knowledge about weapons in Undawn to do this. Base your decision on the market price of “epic” weapon variants. For instance, a purple CZ762 currently costs around 35-45k gold. Often, the cost of “epic” weapon variants has the most impact on your crafting profit.
  3. Avoid crafting in the last week before unlocking new weapons. For instance, if you know that in 3 days, the 90th level will be unlocked, and everyone can craft level 90 weapons, don’t spend Rare Metal on crafting level 80 weapons. It will be challenging to sell them.

As you can see in the screenshots, I myself am actively involved in crafting weapons, and I earn good gold from this.


If you do everything right, you can earn an extra 100-200k gold every week, even without luck. The key is to carefully check prices. I believe it’s better to spend an extra 10 minutes to calculate and understand everything than to complain about pay-to-win for months, don’t you agree? 😉

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  • Step Mom
    Step Mom

    Wow, it’s a mind-blowing article. I’ve learned a lot just from this one. As a free-to-play (F2P) player, I think it’s wise to invest a little bit in RC for buying the rare metal.

    Now, I haven’t checked all your articles here, but I want to know which RC deal or pass is worth buying for a cheapskate like me.

    • Kianl
      Reply to Step Mom

      Hello. If you are an almost free-to-play player with very limited resources (like me), then the best investment would be supply cards (weekly and monthly). With coupons you can buy accessory blueprints (15) every day. For every purchase of supply cards you will also receive RC, which you can spend in the store on rare metal and other useful items. Second in the usefulness rating (in my opinion) is the survival pass.

  • Andrea

    Useful article. 

    Only one dumb question, if you craft everything, what you should do about gold? 

    Sadly crafting requires resources then a lot of time, that not everybody has, and it’s just better buy, above all genes. Personally I almost avoid collecting resources (only something for levelling roles too) thanks bad weather events, it’s a lot of time saved

    • Kianl
      Reply to Andrea

      Hi. I didn’t quite understand what you mean by “what you should do about gold”? If you don’t have gold, you’ll need to save up for a couple of days, of course. It’s best to have a reserve of 100-200k consistently, then there won’t be any problems. On average, every player can earn around 50k gold per day (resources, quests, and so on).
      If you mean what to do with gold in general, then, of course, you should buy skill chip modules, the genes you mentioned, spend it on polishing, and other ways to develop your character.

      • Andrea
        Reply to Kianl

        I would like just to point out that nothing is free in this world as you wrote at beginning of article cause goods you need to craft  have a cost of resources, valuable resources or goods that  could be sold on market, as you wrote you later for slightly less than 200k gold more or less. (Assuming  15 attempts of crafting weapon)

        That said I tried and well , one weapon crafted statistically means nothing (and 10 too) , but anyway I got an AK 47 at 15th attempt.  But I got in meanwhile 4 epics (one I equipped immediately other can be sold when prices in market are higher) .

        Then with not many attempts modifying I got 240 rating on weapon and S rating in equipment. 

        Now I don’t know exactly cost of resources (most I gathered , something I bought, nothing change anyway cause what I gathered I could sell so it’s same)  guess about 200k with rare metal, but selling 3 epics are, I payed let’s say 125 k 

        So not buying rifle on market,  I saved 125 k … 

        But I even notice that is much more easier gather 200k of resources to craft a weapon than earn and keep 250k gold lol.(psichologically speaking )

        For crafting  weapons and selling, I mean it’s long process, need lot of goods,  need to play gather resources. Everyday. So nice but need point out theses ways to earn gold  are suitable for (very)  active players, random players can just go ahead selling resources (or unfinished goods) imo

        • Kianl
          Reply to Andrea

          You don’t have to gather resources manually. There are weather events in the game twice a day in different locations. You just need to go through the 4 C points and collect ready resources from pickups. Then you can teleport to Raven Shelter, switch District, and repeat the procedure (20 pickups per day).

          As for basic materials (stones, wood, fiber), it’s easiest to buy them with Assist Points. You can earn Assist Points quite easily by completing weekly missions with friends or companions in the camp twice a day or by simply helping someone with their dailies. You can earn 20k per day.

          • Andrea
            Reply to Kianl

            Well.. yes.

            First of all, regarding the “free” legendary is basically true at the moment you craft and sell the 2nd legendary, cause you cover with that money both the costs of the 2 weapons, more or less, 10k gold more or less don’t change the things, (selling epics too , ofc).

            then going ahead crafting you start earning gold. So now you could go ahead buying resources with the gold you have actually in your hands (let’s say 400k , more or less the ” cost ” in resources of crafting 2 legendaries), and earn the first 50k gold selling the 3rd legendary,  and thing should work automatically then , that is pretty crazy. 

            But sure if you keep gold instead of buying resources,  things are much better cause you earn much more gold. 

            Regarding the events yeah I use them ,  much more than before cause I understood how work and running them fast, and a part in golden desert , mobs come down in  2-3 shots , if not you just wait somebody else kill them ahah , but   was in hurry for crafting, problem is the raw refining machine limits, when you reach the cap crafting manually doesn’t make sense, and day after you gave again the cap so with event basically you don’t need gathering manually ( a part for daily role profecy , that you reach fast)

            Problem still was be forced to play twice per day at given hours, but with that trick you mention … I mean need only 10 Min per day and now I have 2 options to choose .. in this way things are much better. 

            I close this drama just to say that this game is slow to show how actually works and sadly many leave cause thinking is crazy long levelling character , gathering manually is boring,  need put lot real money and is all Ptw, starting with buying gold with real money for legendaries. Plus other issues that are real.. 

            But actually things are Lille different, as last ur articles showing well 


      • Andrea
        Reply to Kianl

        Oh well, yeah I was meaning gold in general. 

        I got 4 nice (blue) genes for bout 400k, but polishing is more expensive indeed. Chips I have to start looking at yet and seem like crazy expensive got them..

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