Undawn Crafting System Guide: Everything you need to know


The crafting system in Undawn is intriguing but not without its quirks. In this brief guide, I will teach you how to craft items in the game and even explain why it may not always be worthwhile.

Finding the necessary resources

There are four primary sources of resources in the game: wood, ores, plants, and animals. The resources obtained from each source differ in name and level, but they are generally similar. From each source, you are guaranteed to obtain a basic resource:

  • Tree – Wood,
  • Ore – Stone,
  • Linen – Plant Fiber,
  • Animals – Meat.

As well as resources of uncommon (green) and rare (blue) quality with a small chance.

Resources in different regions vary in level, and players are unable to gather resources that are not available at their current stage of development. To find locations where you can gather resources, open the map (M) and switch to the tab with the plant icon.


Subsequently, icons representing resources will appear on the map, and you will see a list of them on the right side of the interface.


The icons indicate the approximate locations of the resources. To view the specific locations of ore veins / trees / animals / bushes, you must personally go to those places and refer to the mini-map in the upper right corner of the main game interface.

How to refine resources

The resources you initially collect are in a raw state and are not available for crafting. To refine the resources, you must construct a Raw Material Workbench at your base using the Construction Workbench.


Next, simply interact with it (press F) and click “Add all” to transfer all the raw materials from your inventory to the workbench. Then, at the bottom left, you can choose where the refined resources will be placed: in your backpack or in the warehouse (storage in your house). After making your selection, click “Refine” and wait a few seconds.


Note that the Raw Material Workbench has limits on the amount of resources that can be refined daily. I haven’t come close to reaching these limits yet, but if you do, you can always increase them by purchasing special items in the Assist Shop (EscMarket).

How to find where to obtain any resource

Undawn features a convenient system that allows you to quickly find out where to obtain any resource you need. To do this, simply click on the resource icon in any list where it is mentioned.


For example, let’s say you want to craft an Angel Statue, but you need 1 Steel and don’t know where to find it. Just click on the Steel icon in the list and then click the “Obtain” button in the popup window. We can immediately see that Steel can be purchased from the Building Shop or the Recycled Material Shop.

How to craft Advanced Materials

To craft Advanced Materials, you need to build and place a Workbench in your house.


The Workbench allows you to craft weapons, armor, drones, and their components. To craft advanced materials, enter any section of the Workbench and switch to the tab with the bolt icon.


Note that the Workbench also has a Quick Craft feature. Select any item from the list that you want to create and click on the icon of any missing resource. If you have enough normal materials to craft it, you will see the Quick Craft window and can create the required resources without switching between tabs.


You can also create a task that allows you to track the progress of accumulating resources for crafting a specific item. To do this, select the desired item in the Workbench and click the “Obtain Material” button.


In the popup window, click “Create Tracking List“.


You will be asked to select the quantity of items you plan to create.


After that, you can click “Set tracking target“, and a new task will appear in your task list under the “Event” section, tracking the progress of resource gathering.


You can click on this task to view the “Tracking List” window again and, if desired, cancel the tracking.

Quality of crafted items (Rare / Epic / Legendary)

Undawn features 4 qualities of equipment items:

  • Uncommon (green),
  • Rare (blue),
  • Epic (purple),
  • Legendary (orange).

You can only craft items of Rare quality or higher at the Workbench, while Uncommon quality equipment can be purchased from the in-game store (EscMarketRaven ShopBasic Equipment).


In the Workbench interface, you can see the chances of crafting items of each rarity:

  • Rare – 80%,
  • Epic – 15%,
  • Legendary – 5%.

However, in Undawn, there is a system of compensating for failures that guarantees you will receive a legendary (gold) item on the 15th crafting attempt. For more information on this, please read a separate guide via the provided link. To trigger the compensation, you must craft the same item repeatedly (for example, 15 crafting attempts of an AK-47).


Weapons of different qualities significantly differ in damage and the number of additional stats. If you click on the “Info” icon next to the “Quality Chance” label, you can compare the parameters of the same item of different qualities.


For example, a Rare SCAR Assault Rifle has a base damage of 119 units and 2-4 additional stats, while the same weapon of Legendary quality has a base damage of 149 units and 3-6 additional stats. This is a significant difference. I also recommend checking out my guide on weapons in Undawn.

Crafting Weapons after Level 50

Starting from level 50, players gain access to crafting advanced weapons: the Vector Submachine Gun, M249 Light Machine Gun, AK-15 Assault Rifle, M24 Sniper Rifle, and other types of main weapons. To unlock their crafting, players must complete the tutorial mission called “Firearms Master,” which will be automatically assigned.

Firearms Master

Immediately after its completion, a new role called “Firearms Master” will be unlocked in the EscRoles section. The perks of this role grant access to crafting advanced weapons.

Firearms Master

To level up the “Firearms Master” profession, you will need to craft weapons on the Workbench.

How to craft scopes and weapon accessories

Using the Workbench, you can also craft scopes (2x, 4x, and so on) and weapon accessories (grips, magazines, barrels, and others). Both scopes and firearm accessories are crafted only once and then bound to the character. This means that even if you change weapons, the accessories will automatically apply to the new weapon, and you can choose any of the available scopes. This saves you from having to craft scopes and accessories every time.

Scopes are only available in one quality – common, gray. Scopes cannot be upgraded.


Firearm accessories are bound to the character and increase in quality as you level them up.


Upgrading accessories is possible using Accessory Blueprints, which can be obtained through quests and participation in events, or purchased with Coupons at the Merchant Guild Shop (TradeMerchant Guild) or RC (Donate).


Click on the equipped weapon in your inventory and open the “Assemble” section. Here you can attach scopes and accessories. Click on any accessory and press “Upgrade” to access the accessory upgrading screen.

Is it worth crafting epic and legendary items?

If you’re an average player who doesn’t spend substantial amounts of money on the game, then definitely not. The reason is that crafting such items won’t pay off and will practically give you nothing in return. 

In my guide on earning gold in Undawn, I explained in detail that it’s much more profitable to buy ready-made epic (and sometimes legendary) items from other players through the “Trade” section.


Especially in the early and mid-game stages, this is the best solution for an average player, as you can obtain high-quality gear with minimal effort and minimal time investment.


The reason these items are inexpensive is due to the donate players who mass craft weapons, armor, and drone parts in pursuit of legendary quality. As a free-to-play player, your task is to supply them with Advanced Materials through the market (Trade), allowing you to easily and quickly earn gold, which you can then use to purchase epic equipment. In general, my opinion is that it’s only worth crafting items that are not available for sale. Otherwise, you’ll simply be wasting your time and resources.


If you have any questions, objections, or anything to add, feel free to write your comments on this post. While playing Undawn, I’ll strive to update the guide as changes occur in the game.

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