35 Best Rare Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends

Warmaiden digital art

Most rare heroes in RAID are either useless or suitable only for the earliest stages of the game. However, among them, there are genuinely useful champions that you can use even in the late game. I have been playing RAID for about three years, and in this compilation, I have gathered for you the best rare champions that can do something useful. I also subjectively evaluated them by two criteria: usefulness for a beginner and usefulness in late game. Thanks to these ratings, it will be easier for you to determine whether a hero is worth your attention.

Separately, I would like to draw your attention to why it is impossible to create a tier list of rare RAID heroes. The fact is that each champion has one or more specific uses in the game: someone is good against the Demon Lord clan boss, and someone is indispensable in arena battles. Comparing such heroes within a single “coordinate system” is like comparing “white” with “square”. That’s why I have compiled for you not a fake tier list or rating, but a reasonable collection of rare heroes in RAID that make sense to use in the game in one way or another. In the description of each hero, I tried to concisely explain what makes them interesting and how they can be used in the game at different stages.



Apothecary is one of the most well-known and popular rare heroes in the game. He is capable of filling ally turn meters by 15%, while simultaneously applying a 30% Increase Speed buff to them. The hero can also heal a single target, but the healing can be critical. Thanks to this rare mechanic, YouTubers have even come up with a way to use Apothecary as a damage dealer through the Ironclad’s passive skill, which attacks enemies by receiving excess healing.

Usefulness for a beginner – 8 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 4 / 10



The hero is fairly mediocre in terms of game mechanics but has three main applications: battles with Fire Knight (thanks to the triple hit basic skill), progression through Magic Keep (due to buff stealing with the second skill), and arena battles as a turn meter filler for allies (additionally applies a 30% Increase Crit. Rate buff to the team). It is recommended for leveling up only if there are no other good heroes at all.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 1 / 10



This hero has only one use – battles with Scarab King in Doom Tower. The fact is that Metalshaper is one of the few heroes in the game who can apply a Shield buff to the team for the same number of turns as the cooldown of this skill takes. Thus, Metalshaper can constantly keep the team under shields, not allowing the boss to counterattack. It is recommended for leveling up only if you clearly understand his purpose. Read the guide on defeating Scarab King Borgoth to learn more.

Usefulness for a beginner – 1 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 6 / 10



You can’t say that this hero will be particularly useful to a beginner – unless there are no other options. His only useful feature is the extension of debuffs with his second skill. Thus, you can use Assassin for battles with the Demon Lord clan boss. However, I personally think that leveling him up is pointless since there is an uncommon Outlaw Monk, who can be bought on the market and who will be much more useful.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 1 / 10

Seducer + Temptress

These heroes are worth using only together, as individually they don’t represent anything special. However, as a pair, Seducer and Temptress unlock additional possibilities, making them useful on Demon Lord clan boss and lower leagues of the Classic Arena. Personally, I would not level them up without a particular need.

Usefulness for a beginner – 7 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 2 / 10



Paragon, on the other hand, can confidently be called one of the best rare champions in RAID: Shadow Legends. Unlike his predecessors, he will be useful at any stage of the game. But the best thing is – he doesn’t need leveling up! Paragon’s strength lies in the fact that his A2 skill applies an Unkillable buff to himself for 2 turns, and the skill’s cooldown is also 2 turns. Thus, Paragon is the only hero in the game who can indefinitely maintain the Unkillable buff on himself (unless the buff is removed or the hero is affected by control effects, of course).

Since bots in the game most often target the hero with the lowest health, Paragon becomes the perfect invincible tank. You will be able to use him for clearing Spider’s Den or, for example, one of the toughest floors of the Doom Tower with several Mortu-Macaabs. It is not necessary at all to level up Paragon to level 60 for this.

Usefulness for a beginner – 10 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 8 / 10



Kael is the best among the starting heroes in RAID. Firstly, his AoE (Area of Effect) attack is comparable in damage to the AoE attacks of many epic damage dealers. Secondly, Kael is capable of applying a lot of poison effects to the enemy, making him extremely useful in the early stages of the game. Poisons inflict damage based on the maximum health of the boss, so Kael will be especially useful against Dragon and Demon Lord clan boss. If you’re a beginner and chose another starting hero but then got Kael, I would recommend leveling Kael up to 6 stars.

Usefulness for a beginner – 9 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 4 / 10



This heroine can be obtained with a small chance for completing the 12th chapter of the campaign. She is mainly interesting for battles in the Classic Arena, as she can fill ally turn meters and has a base speed of 110 (which is a lot, especially for a rare champion). I’ve already explained how a beginner can form a team for arena battles featuring Diabolist, so you can check out the guide through the link. As for other locations, she is less effective there.

Usefulness for a beginner – 8 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 3 / 10

Frozen Banshee

Frozen Banshee

The heroine will be very useful in the early game and even in mid-game, as she can quickly apply a lot of poisons and a 25% Poison Sensitivity debuff to the target, thereby increasing poison damage even more. Frozen Banshee will be useful in battles with Dragon and Demon Lord clan boss. Some players successfully use her even in the late game in Unkillable teams to defeat the Demon Lord.

Usefulness for a beginner – 8 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 6 / 10



Judge is simply a good rare damage dealer, and nothing more. His main advantages are high damage with his basic skill, application of random debuffs with any hit, and an aura that increases Accuracy by 30 in all battles. As a damage dealer, the hero is quite good, but personally, I would only level him up if there are no other good damage dealers on the account (which is very rare).

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 3 / 10



Every player has a small chance of getting this beauty from battles in the 9th chapter of the campaign. Her main feature is the application of a 60% Decrease DEF debuff for 2 turns on the entire enemy team with a 100% chance. This skill makes Warmaiden an irreplaceable heroine for beginners. The fact is that reducing the target’s defense significantly increases the damage dealt to her. You can read more about this in the guide on how defense works (there is even a calculator for clarity). That’s why Warmaiden will be useful in almost any PVE location in the game, and, of course, in battles on the Classic Arena.

Usefulness for a beginner – 9 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 3 / 10



The heroine Heiress has only one use in the late game – specific unkillable teams for battles with the Demon Lord clan boss. In all other respects, the heroine is almost completely useless, as there are dozens (if not hundreds) of damage dealers in the game that can easily replace her.

Usefulness for a beginner – 1 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 5 / 10



Ruffstone is interesting for his powerful AOE attack on his basic skill, which is why he made it to this list of best rares in RAID: Shadow Legends. With his third skill, “Slobbering Rush,” Ruffstone ignores 50% of the enemy’s defense when attacking and has a 50% chance to get an extra turn. Since the hero does not apply any debuffs or negative effects to opponents, he does not need accuracy. This makes him a decent damage dealer for battles on the Classic Arena and in PVE dungeons like Dragon’s Lair.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 3 / 10



With Fellhound, everything is simple: this hero passes the 12-3 campaign level faster than everyone else, where players usually level up food. Thanks to fast skill animations, Fellhound copes in just 5-6 seconds! In other locations, the hero is mediocre and is unlikely to surprise you.

Usefulness for a beginner – 10 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 10 / 10



Athel is one of the four starting heroes in RAID. If a beginner does not have good heroes for battles with the Demon Lord clan boss and Fire Knight, she can be confidently leveled up. In these locations, the heroine shows really good results. Not so long ago, I published a detailed guide on Athel, which you can find at the link. There you will find detailed explanations of all her skills and applications in the game.

Usefulness for a beginner – 4 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 6 / 10



This cute elf is interesting because she can summon two allies to attack with her third skill. Hyria also has a multi-hit on her second skill, can apply 5 Poison debuffs to the enemy and has an increased critical hit chance with her basic skill. These features make her useful in battles with the Demon Lord clan boss and Fire Knight. Beginners can also use her on the Classic Arena.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 3 / 10



The Spirithost heroine can also be obtained in the campaign. She is interesting in that she can apply a 50% Increase Attack buff to the team and has an aura that gives a 10% Speed boost in all battles. More often than not, a beginner will have to level up this heroine in one way or another, as the 50% Increase Attack buff is needed almost everywhere: from dungeons to arenas. In the future, Spirithost will also come in handy in Faction Wars.

Usefulness for a beginner – 9 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 4 / 10



Panthera is a good heroine for a fight with Fire Knight, as she has multi-hits on both of her attacking skills. She can also apply a 30% Reflect Damage buff to herself (recall that when Fire Knight receives reflected damage using this buff, his shield loses strength). A nice addition is the aura that gives a 40 point Accuracy boost in dungeons. Panthera can be useful in the early stages of the game, but for experienced players, she is useless.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 2 / 10

Corpulent Cadaver

Corpulent Cadaver

Corpulent Cadaver is a very situational hero that only holds value in the late game and exclusively within one team against the Demon Lord clan boss, known as “infinity”. The essence of this team lies in its members who extend buffs on the team, and thanks to Brogni’s unique ability, the team’s shield buff multiplies its strength many times over. This allows Corpulent Cadaver to deal massive damage (the damage from his basic skill deals an additional 30% of the shield’s size on this hero). The world damage records against the Demon Lord clan boss have been set precisely using Corpulent Cadaver. In all other situations, the hero is of no use and is not recommended for leveling up.

Usefulness for a beginner – 1 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 7 / 10



Mycolus is a decent support for beginner teams. He is capable of applying defensive buffs to the team and healing allies, and also passively absorbs 5% of the damage they receive. Mycolus is useful in battles against the Demon Lord clan boss and in certain dungeons, but he is most suitable for Faction Wars.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 3 / 10



Despite Dilgol being the only hero in RAID with a firearm, he doesn’t particularly stand out in terms of game mechanics. Thanks to a mass 50% Decrease Accuracy debuff, it becomes much easier to pass Spider’s Den with Dilgol. Some players even manage to use him in the Iron Twins Fortress. Due to his multi-attack ability, Dilgol is also quite effective against Fire Knight, but he performs best in Faction Wars.

Usefulness for a beginner – 7 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 4 / 10



Coldheart can be considered one of the most desired heroes in the game. First, she attacks the enemy four times with her basic skill, making her an ideal hero for completing Fire Knight’s Castle. Second, with her third skill, Coldheart deals damage based on the target’s maximum health. With high critical damage stats, this hero can take off a third of a boss’s HP with one hit, making her a real find for beginners. Coldheart will be useful in most dungeons, and you should definitely upgrade her to 6 stars. Moreover, some players have multiple copies of this hero and successfully use them in speed teams. However, with the release of the hard-mode dungeons, Coldheart’s relevance in the late game has somewhat diminished…

Usefulness for a beginner – 10 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 9 / 10



The only thing interesting about this heroine is her ability to reduce skill cooldowns for allies. Thanks to this, she is used in many fast late-game teams using Seer in dungeons and in the Doom Tower. Unfortunately, in regular teams, the heroine will be almost completely useless. Nevertheless, I would still recommend stashing 1 Renegade in the vault. She might come in handy in the future. A big plus of this heroine is also that it is not necessary to level her up to level 60.

Usefulness for a beginner – 2 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 8 / 10

Pain Keeper

Pain Keeper

Like Renegade, Pain Keeper is useful in many locations due to her skill that reduces allies’ skill cooldowns. Thanks to this mechanic, Pain Keeper is often used in Unkillable teams against the Demon Lord clan boss and Iron Twins. The heroine can also heal allies and does not require Accuracy leveling, which will make her useful almost everywhere in the early stages of the game.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 8 / 10

Reliquary Tender

Reliquary Tender

Reliquary Tender is a decent support heroine with a resurrection skill. Largely thanks to this skill, she made it onto this list of best rare champions in RAID: Shadow Legends. Beginners often struggle to get through high-level dungeons. Thanks to Reliquary Tender’s revive and regeneration, you can significantly speed up your progress. In the late game, it is hard for the heroine to find application outside of Faction Wars, however, I personally still use her for battles with the venomous spider in the Doom Tower, and it works even on hard mode.

Usefulness for a beginner – 8 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 5 / 10



If you are a beginner, Berserker may be useful to you, but he is unlikely to surprise experienced players. He’s just a good damage dealer who ignores 20% of defense in a mass attack. If Berserker kills an enemy with his A2, he gets an extra turn. It is also noteworthy that the hero does not need Accuracy, as he does not apply any effects to the enemy. He will be useful almost everywhere in the early game, in the late game – only in Faction Wars.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 1 / 10



Bellower is another good hero for leveling food on the 12-3 level of the campaign. He completes this task in just 7-8 seconds, slightly inferior to Fellhound due to longer animations. I have been using him for 2 years now, and I’m quite happy. To be honest, it’s a bit lazy to level up Fellhound just to increase the speed of level passage by 2 seconds…

Usefulness for a beginner – 9 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 9 / 10

Kurzad Deepheart

Kurzad Deepheart

I would recommend taking a close look at this hero. Firstly, this hero has two mass attacks with a cooldown of 3 turns. Secondly, he can apply a 50% Increase Accuracy buff to the allied team, and a 30% Decrease Defense debuff to the enemy team. Thirdly, he has a double strike with the application of a 30% Decrease Speed debuff on his basic skill. Such a combination of abilities makes Kurzad Deepheart useful in almost all PVE locations in RAID: Shadow Legends. However, remember that the hero is still of rare quality, so don’t expect miracles from him.

Usefulness for a beginner – 8 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 5 / 10

Coffin Smasher

Coffin Smasher

This hero will only be useful for beginners in battles against the Demon Lord clan boss. Thanks to the triple attack on his basic skill, he will deal decent damage to the boss while applying a 50% Decrease Attack debuff. Let me remind you that a constant Decrease Attack debuff is the basis of survival for your classic teams against the Demon Lord. Moreover, Coffin Smasher additionally cuts 5% of damage from mass attacks, which means that the clan boss, who has two mass attacks, will hit even weaker.

Usefulness for a beginner – 8 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 2 / 10



Until recently, Muckstalker was just another ordinary rare hero. However, after the update that brought Sand Devil’s Necropolis into the game, Muckstalker gained a new lease of life. His key skill A2 applies a Sleep debuff to the enemy for 2 turns and has a cooldown of 2 turns. Thanks to this rare feature, he is used in classic teams against Al-Naemeh. If you are a beginner, let me say it straight: don’t even try. The value of this hero will become apparent to you after 1-2 years of playing, unless you prefer an easier way to defeat Sand Devil.

Usefulness for a beginner – 1 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 6 / 10



This heroine is added to the list of best rare champions in RAID: Shadow Legends only because she will be useful to beginners in battles with Fire Knight’s. Lifetaker has multi-attacks, can apply a 30% Decrease Speed debuff to the boss, and a 30% Reflect Damage buff to herself. Having Lifetaker on your team can simplify the passage of Fire Knight’s Castle for beginners, but she will be useless at later stages of the game.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 1 / 10



The main value of this hero is filling the turn meter of allies by 20% and simultaneously applying a 25% Increase Attack buff to them. For example, Arbiter has a similar but stronger skill. It’s thanks to his A3 that Bloodpainter can be effectively used in arenas, but one must remember his low base speed of 102 and the absence of a speed aura, so he will eventually need to be replaced by someone more powerful. The hero is less effective in PVE, but will be useful to beginners everywhere.

Usefulness for a beginner – 7 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 2 / 10

Master Butcher

Master Butcher

Master Butcher is an underrated tank hero who can significantly increase your team’s survivability in arenas. To do this, you need to place him in the last slot. Having received mass damage, he will heal allies in previous slots by the amount of received damage in such a way that the heroes will not die if the sum of their health + received healing is greater than the incoming damage. This works in a similar way to Vogoth, for example. In the late game, the hero is used only in the secret rooms of the Doom Tower, in Faction Wars, and occasionally against the Bommal boss (Doom Tower). The best gear is a Frenzy artifact set. It is not recommended for beginners to level him up.

Usefulness for a beginner – 6 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 4 / 10

Runic Warder

Runic Warder

The only somewhat worthwhile application for this dwarf is battles with Fire Knight. Thanks to multi-hits and a 30% Reflect Damage buff, which he applies to the entire (!) team, Fire Knight’s shield strength will be rapidly reduced, significantly simplifying the passage. At one point, I used this hero in the early stages of the game and was satisfied. In the future, he will only be useful to you in Faction Wars, as his skills are useless in other game locations.

Usefulness for a beginner – 8 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 3 / 10



Our list is concluded by Doomscreech, who can be considered a younger brother of the hero Seeker. Doomscreech is perfect for any teams where the damage dealer is a hero whose damage depends on defense. Doomscreech can fill allies’ turn meters by 30% and simultaneously apply a 60% Increase Defense buff to them. Thanks to this feature, the champion will be useful in arenas, dungeons, and even in battles with Demon Lord. In the late game, he will only find use in Faction Wars.

Usefulness for a beginner – 8 / 10
Usefulness in late game – 5 / 10


Unfortunately, all other rare heroes in RAID are completely useless. Despite the fact that some of them can be useful to beginners in certain situations, it simply doesn’t make sense to level them up to level 60. If you believe there are other heroes worthy of being in the selection of best rare champions in RAID: Shadow Legends, you can write about them in the comments. Good luck! 😉

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