Dragonheir: Silent Gods Guide and Tips for Beginners

Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Dragonheir: Silent Gods is a cross-platform team-based RPG in the spirit of Dungeon & Dragons. If you’ve ever played RAID: Shadow Legends, Summoner Wars, Magnum Quest, and similar games, everything here will seem familiar. However, Dragonheir has a number of unique features that set it apart from similar RPGs. For example, in Dragonheir, you cannot have duplicates of heroes and artifacts, and the time for completing dungeons is strictly limited.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been studying this game, and now I’m ready to share my experience with you. From this and other guides on Dragonheir, links to which you will find below, you will learn about all the key mechanics of the game, from summoning and developing heroes to tactics for dungeon runs. I note that I have not reached the “late game” yet, so the guide may be updated in the future.

Guide Map

Below are links to game guides that complement this main guide. With the help of these guides you can study the game mechanics in more detail.

Important basics:


    What to do in Dragonheir and what is this game about?

    For players who have just launched the game, it is undoubtedly interesting to know what they will be doing most of the time, what this game is about, and what its essence is.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods is a collectible team-based RPG in which you will summon heroes of various rarities, from common to legendary, obtain rare equipment in dungeons, and engage in battles in the Arenas. Like in most similar games, the essence of the game lies in building effective teams and builds, constantly experimenting with skills, heroes, and artifacts. It’s quite interesting, but you’ll have to do a very scary and difficult thing: think

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    In addition, the game features a fairly long, well-voiced story campaign, and the option to skip dialogues is completely absent. So you must be prepared for this. Let’s begin.

    Character Creation and Attributes

    In Dragonheir, there are 4 characters to choose from, and changing gender is not possible. As I found out during the game, it doesn’t matter much which one you choose. Boldly choose the hero you like more.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    You will also be asked to distribute the character’s attributes, of which there are 6: Strength (STR), Intelligence (INT), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), Charisma (CHA), Wisdom (WIS). As far as I understand, these parameters only affect the success of dice rolls in specific situations during the main storyline. Like in Dungeon & Dragons, you will occasionally have to roll a 20-sided die, and the resulting number will determine your success: for example, whether you can sneak up on enemies from behind or steal something from an NPC.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    I distribute my character’s attribute points in a more or less balanced way and have not encountered any problems because of it. So you can confidently develop your attributes evenly.

    Completing the Main Storyline

    The story campaign is an integral (and sometimes very annoying) part of Dragonheir: Silent Gods. All main activities in the game, whether it’s arenas or dungeons, will be initially locked for you. You will gradually gain access to them as you progress through the main storyline. That’s why it makes sense to actively complete it to unlock the main content of the game as soon as possible, gaining many new opportunities.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    If in most similar collectible RPGs you only have a “lobby” from where you can send your heroes into battle, in Dragonheir: Silent Gods, there is a whole global map with several regions that your main character and their companions will travel through as they progress through the campaign. On the map, you will encounter various NPCs, stumble upon random adventures, find treasures, and deposits of ore (which, by the way, regenerate once a day). The game even has cities and settlements with various internal locations like a market and a tavern.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Keep in mind that neither traders nor ore deposits on the map are displayed, so it makes sense to mark the spot manually. I didn’t do this initially, and at certain moments, I had some difficulties.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    So, if you find something interesting, just open the map (M), click on the desired location, and create a mark. You can mark traders, plants, ore, and other resources. Perhaps, parts of the global map that you have not explored yet. In the future, this will definitely come in handy.

    Most objects on the global map in Dragonheir: Silent Gods can be fast-traveled to. These objects include Teleportation Circles, Dungeons, Challenges, transitions between locations, and more. Objects that cannot be directly teleported to can be tracked (such as settlements or your personal map markers). This function attaches the object’s icon to the mini-map, making it easier for you to find it.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    It’s also important to note that in the world of Dragonheir: Silent Gods, there are several regions that you can freely move between. To do this, open the global map (M) and click “Select Area.”

    Camp and its Development

    As you’ll discover in the first hour of the game, every player in Dragonheir: Silent Gods has their own Camp, the background of which changes depending on the character’s location. The Camp has many interesting features:

    • Forging Bench for crafting equipment
    • Cart for buying rare items for gold (some items refresh once a day)
    • Campfire for cooking food
    • Otherworld horn for free hero summons
    • Training Ground for learning game mechanics
    • Collection Album for additional rewards for completing the game, and more.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    The Cart and Forging Bench can be upgraded multiple times, unlocking new capabilities for the player (for example, crafting more powerful equipment). Special items obtained by progressing through the main story and exploring new parts of the global map are needed for upgrades.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    In general, if you’re interested in “how to unlock something that’s blocked,” the answer is always the same: progress through the main story campaign.

    How to Obtain New Heroes and How Difficult It Is

    This is undoubtedly one of the main questions on your mind: how to get a lot of legendary heroes, preferably all at once! Well, I have both bad news and good news.

    The bad news is that obtaining legendary heroes in Dragonheir: Silent Gods as a free-to-play player is extremely difficult. In the few weeks I’ve been playing, I haven’t obtained any yet.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    The good news: in Dragonheir: Silent Gods, almost all heroes from rare and above are more or less good in various game modes. Since the game lacks turn-based mechanics, and battles occur in real-time, there is no strict attachment of bosses or specific game modes to individual “key” heroes or skills. In other words, you can play quite well with rare and epic heroes.

    There are several main ways to obtain heroes in Dragonheir: Silent Gods:

    • Guaranteed legendary hero in the “One Step Ahead” event – progress through the campaign to obtain it.
    • Otherworld Horn in the Camp – free daily hero summon attempts.
    • Heliolite Dice and Starlight Stone Dice – the main way to summon heroes.

    On average, you will receive several Starlight Stone Dice each day, so you won’t face a shortage of rare and epic heroes. As you can see in the screenshot, my collection already has quite a few “epics,” but I’m not in a hurry to develop them because, at the moment, I’m satisfied with “rare” heroes.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Legendary heroes can only be summoned from Heliolite Dice with a 3% chance. After 35 unsuccessful attempts, you will receive a legendary hero as compensation for the system’s failures, as clearly stated in the in-game help.

    The best way to obtain Heliolite Dices is to buy them for 350 Wyrmarrows. So, if you want to summon your first legendary hero as soon as possible, I recommend focusing on earning Wyrmarrows to purchase Heliolite Dices.

    Progression System

    There are several types of progression in Dragonheir: Silent Gods. The account level in the game is represented by Journey Level. The maximum Journey Level is 50. With each new level, players receive useful items as gifts, and some key levels unlock new abilities. For example, you can upgrade heroes to 5 stars only after reaching Journey Level 30. To increase Journey Level, you need to earn Journey EXP by completing various tasks.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Another important progression system is Elemental Affinity (Psychicore section). Talents from this section will strengthen your team when you deploy 3 or 5 heroes of the same Affinity on the game field.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    The key progression system is the development of your heroes. You can level up heroes (maximum level 100), increase their star rating (up to 5 stars), and enhance their skills.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Heroes also need to be equipped with high-quality gear that matches their role in the game. Equipment includes artifacts, weapons, helmets, armor, gloves, positive and negative runes. The combination of bonuses from these items will make up your hero’s unique build and determine their effectiveness in battles.

    Elemental Affinities

    In Dragonheir: Silent Gods, there are six elements divided into three affinities:

    • Radiance + Lightning,
    • Fire + Poison,
    • Cold + Necrotic.

    Each hero in the game represents one of these elements. Heroes of each element share common characteristics. For example, Fire heroes specialize in dealing damage with skills, Lightning heroes usually enhance themselves or each other, and Radiance heroes specialize in Rally.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    You can freely switch the element of your main hero between Fire, Lightning, and Frost. I usually use Lightning or Frost, as the former allows stunning enemies with lightning, and the latter applies a shield to the team, significantly increasing its survivability. In different game modes, each element of the main hero is effective in different ways, so be prepared to switch this element frequently.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Do elements affect gameplay? Yes. Some enemies (like Elementals) you encounter during the story campaign may be completely or partially immune to damage from a specific element. Bosses in some dungeons (Frost / Tempest / Flame Domains) have strong resistance to the damage dealt by heroes of the affinity to which they belong. For example, Cold and Necrotic heroes will deal 90% less damage and receive 90% more damage from mobs and the boss in the Frost Domain.

    Basics of the Combat System

    There is already a detailed guide on the combat system in Dragonheir: Silent Gods on the website, so I’ll just highlight key points.

    Battles take place on the game field (usually 8×5 cells, but sometimes 10×5 or other sizes), divided into two parts. Enemies are on one side, and the player’s heroes are on the other. Up to 5 heroes can participate in a battle.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Before the battle starts, the player can strategically position their heroes on the field. Aggro Lines indicate how allied and enemy heroes will attack each other after the battle begins. This may seem insignificant, but in practice, it provides ample space for tactical planning and significantly influences the outcome of the battle.

    After the battle starts, allied and enemy heroes begin attacking each other in real-time, and the player loses the ability to control their heroes, except for using their ultimate skill.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Each hero in Dragonheir: Silent Gods has Passive Skill, Battle Skill, and Ultimate Skill, which are used in battle. Each skill has its cooldown time, damage multipliers, and area of effect. You can check all of this in the in-game skill descriptions.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Activate the “Details” option to start seeing damage multipliers. This will help you understand which skill deals more damage. Also, note that the effectiveness of different heroes’ skills depends on different parameters of these heroes: some skills may depend on Attack, while others may depend on Defense.

    The website already has a hero stats guide that will help you understand what each parameter of your hero means. For example, if you want to speed up skill cooldowns, you should develop the Skill Haste parameter. If you want the hero to attack faster with basic attacks, focus on ATK Interval.

    How to Choose Equipment for Your Heroes

    I’ve already mentioned this in other guides, but I’ll repeat it. When you deploy a hero on the game field, they should have a specific purpose. For example, if you’re going to the Goblin Lair to farm EXP for your heroes, you’re interested in having the maximum number of strong AOE damage dealers, as your enemies will be goblin clusters.

    If you understand the hero’s purpose in your team, you won’t have questions about how to equip them correctly. Here’s a simple example.

    You have the starting healer Heksandra. Her purpose is simple and clear – to heal your team, right? Therefore, you want her to heal more and more often, which is quite logical.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    That’s basically all you need to know. In the case of Heksandra, develop Enlightenment and Attack to enhance healing from the Battle Skill, and Skill Haste to speed up the cooldowns of her skills. Among other parameters, prioritize HP and Defense because the hero needs to be resilient, as the entire team depends on her. Easy, isn’t it?

    Ask yourself similar questions about other heroes. For example, if your hero needs to apply debuffs, develop their Accuracy. If you want them to absorb damage, focus on HP and Defense. If they are a damage dealer, prioritize Crit Rate and Crit Damage.

    How to Defeat Any Boss in the Game

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Like in all similar games, each boss in Dragonheir: Silent Gods has its own peculiarities. To learn about them, click on the information panel icon at the top right during hero deployment. This will open the “Information” section, where you can study the features and skills of both the boss and the mobs you will encounter.

    Dragonheir: Silent Gods

    Universal things that will help you defeat any boss are:

    • Shield buff – applies the “Shield” enhancement to allies for some time (switch the element of the main hero to Cold and use the ultimate skill);
    • Attack Penalty II debuff – reduces the enemy’s attack by 50% for some time;
    • Healing – your team should have a powerful healer who will quickly and efficiently replenish the health of heroes;
    • Healing Prohibition – the enemy cannot restore health for some time;
    • Debuff removal – it’s helpful to have a hero in the team who can remove negative effects from your team.

    Against high-level bosses with a lot of health, poisons are also useful. You can go to the “Gallery” section and use filters to find heroes that suit your needs in a particular situation.

    Separate guides on completing different dungeons will be posted on the website very soon, and links to them will be published at the beginning of this guide.

    Tips and Tricks for Beginners

    Here are some useful tips that I would like to share with beginners. This will help you avoid common mistakes and progress faster.

    • Turn off “Dialogue” in the Settings → Audio section. Otherwise, heroes will shout their exclamations every time they use their ultimate skill. Initially, it may be amusing, but it will quickly become annoying.
    • Disable “Battle Skill Animation” in the Settings → Battle section. Useful if you don’t want to watch the ultimate skill animation of your heroes 50 times a day.
    • Mark everything useful on the map. If you find something interesting (such as a trader or ore), add a marker on the map. Perhaps you’ll want to return to this place later.
    • Progress through the main story actively. By exploring new regions of the global map, you open access to new dungeons and opportunities.
    • Buy maps from traders. Many traders in the game sell a map that clears part of the “fog of war” on the global map. It’s not critical, but quite useful.
    • Purchase recipe books from traders. Some traders sell recipes for food that you can cook in your camp. Food is a source of additional enhancements for your heroes, so don’t ignore it.
    • Level up your heroes as actively as possible. In the early game, leveling up is your main advantage, guaranteeing higher stats for your heroes. Also, in the Grand Gladiator Arena, the level of all your heroes will be equal to the level of your main character.
    • Participate in events. Events in Dragonheir are available constantly. They require players to perform daily activities, such as defeating bosses. For participating, you receive quite good rewards that will accelerate your progress.
    • Buy Heliolite Dices with Wyrmarrows. Currently, this is the best and only way you can obtain legendary heroes as a free-to-play player. Obtaining Heliolite Dices through other in-game methods is significantly more challenging.
    • Complete commissions and side quests. This way, you not only increase your Journey Level but also receive many useful additional rewards.


    This guide contains only the most important information that I wanted to share with the reader based on my gaming experience. However, I continue to explore the game. Soon, new guides on Dragonheir: Silent Gods will appear on the site, including guides on heroes and bosses, as well as an explanation of complex mechanics.

    If you have any questions about the game, feel free to ask them in the comments. I’ll try to help to the best of my knowledge. Good luck! 😉

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