How to use Safety Rope and Extension Ladder in Undawn

Many newcomers to the world of Undawn don't understand the purpose of Safety Rope and Extension Ladder in the game. In this short guide, I will teach you how to use them. How to Craft Safety Rope or ...

Purple Stats in Undawn
How To 100% Get Purple Stats in Equipment in Undawn: Effective Modification Guide

Not long ago, I talked about the compensation system for crafting failures in Undawn, which guarantees obtaining a "Gold" item on the 15th attempt. As it turns out, the game has another compensation ...

Undawn supply cards
Undawn Donate Guide: What to Buy for Maximum Profit?

The goal of this small guide is to help newcomers to Undawn spend their money wisely, especially if your resources are limited like mine. I've been playing Undawn since its launch, and I'm ready to ...

Gold Weapon in Undawn
How to Get Gold Weapon in Undawn Quickly and Easily

A "Gold" weapon in Undawn is the highest "legendary" (yellow) quality weapon, which has much higher stats than the "rare" and "epic" counterparts. Such a weapon can be crafted using the Workbench ...

Undawn Friendship Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Undawn features an interesting friendship system. The more you interact with your friends, the more additional opportunities open up for you. Initially, you can give flowers and gifts to friends, ...

World of Tanks Blitz Replay Guide: How to Save, Watch, Share, Import

Hello, tank enthusiasts! In this brief guide, I will tell you how to save, watch, import, and share WOT Blitz replays. I will also show you a few websites where you can upload your replays to share ...

How to Earn XP in Undawn and How Character Leveling Works

Many newcomers often find themselves confused about how leveling up works in Undawn and how to earn experience points (XP). Undawn is a mobile MMORPG also available on PC, and like most mobile ...

Undawn Redemption and Creator Codes: How to Get and Use

There are two types of codes that you can enter in Undawn: redemption codes and creator codes. Redemption Codes are regular promo codes that work for a limited time and allow you to receive ...

Undawn Vehicle Guide: Everything You Need to Know

In Undawn, there are two types of vehicles: motorcycles and cars. Some vehicles can be crafted by every player, while others can only be obtained through donations. Vehicles can be modified and ...

Palia Renown Guide: How to Earn and Use

Renown in Palia is one of the primary currencies that allows you to expand your housing space and accelerate your character's development. Renown can be earned by leveling up your hero, improving ...

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